Not sure why

LESH September 12, 2024 3:23 pm

Not sure why but this one made me fell disgusted. I read a lot of this genre with the SA and all but this one i dont know... im just sad for the main character didnt made past what chapter 3??

    HeHeHe September 14, 2024 3:49 am

    I think it bc the mc clearly showed that he didn't want that and that he was forced to. Other manhwa usually depict their mc "liking" it and find "pleasure"in it. It does not make it any better tho

    LESH September 15, 2024 11:08 pm
    I think it bc the mc clearly showed that he didn't want that and that he was forced to. Other manhwa usually depict their mc "liking" it and find "pleasure"in it. It does not make it any better tho HeHeHe

    I think you are right it aways seems like there is some level of "conscent" in the act but the blood and the reactions just made me sad