Honestly the only reason I’m slightly more frustrated with Skyler even though Cirrus has...

No_Name1123 September 12, 2024 6:17 am

Honestly the only reason I’m slightly more frustrated with Skyler even though Cirrus has done worse is because of the lack of consequences or growth.

Cirrus was definitely worse than Skyler so I understand people’s irritation with others “babying” Cirrus. But the thing about Cirrus is no matter how big or small his mistakes are he ALWAYS gets consequences. Either indirect karma, direct or both. He’s literally facing the consequences of past actions now even. And what’s even better is that he’s been taking these lessons to heart and growing and developing so much this season as well. He’s still not perfect, and he has a long way to go, but he’s been changing and you can see that change.

With Skyler though, we have not seen him face consequence, learn from his mistakes, or properly regret his actions. This isn’t the first time this season that Skyler has weaponized Cirrus’ trauma deliberately due to being hurt (1st time was saying he’s chan il’s replacement and NEVER clarifying what he meant even after they reconciled). Cirrus also isn’t the only person Skyler behaved like this with (remember the horrible things he said to his mom just because he was hurt during his backstory). Yet Skyler has not properly acknowledged or changed from those incidents.

Again, I understand Cirrus was a worse person than Skyler, but just because Cirrus is worse does not mean it’s okay for Skyler to never acknowledge or change his own bad habits, especially when it’s contributing to the rupture of their already unstable relationship.

    Cher loves cats September 12, 2024 9:53 pm

    Skylar karma is him being a loner, didnt have any friends, and have anxiety disorder, vomitting when he's in panic, being forced to take meds by his mother, and what else would he got? he is the type of someone who wouldnt explode if you just leave him alone. he got beaten up for kissing a boy in the entire year of middle school, his misery only end when his mother talked with minwoo's parents. and oh, he also said that he would say everything to chan il, so look forward to that!

    about him saying cirrus is chan-il replacement, cirrus knew he was saying that out of anger, and cirrus keeps on pushing skylar's trigger by mentioning middle school knowing how that would anger skylar more .. he even said he wanna be the best and worse person for skylar. the next chapter they made out in bed with skylar saying a genuine sorry.

    I stressed this again and again, skylar is someone who exploded when he's being bothered, this nerd mf would only be a neet depressed gay introvert if cirrus didn't come to his life. and even though cirrus brings chaos (and happiness for sky as he's becoming his old self again by being more of an extrovert), I fully support their relationship. just dont like it when there's a chapter about how cirrus got his shit for something he self awarely cause, people suddenly "but skylar .... why skylar ...." like man, the story is revolved with their relationship started bc of cirrus blackmail and the problems in their relationship caused by cirrus so ofc cirrus got more karma.

    "it’s contributing to the rupture of their already unstable relationship." nope, the Fact is, skylar didnt cause the unstability, he's the one who brings stability in their relationship as helping cirrus get on his life, caring for depressed cirrus, and literally ... literally he never started shit during their relationship as a boyfriend, he never intentionally hurt cirrus just for fun, all the bad things he do mostly a reaction and you can say he's overreacting or whatever. but one OBVIOUS thing is, he never never cause problem with full intention to make him miserable.

    as for cirrus that man even said "skylar i want you to be more miserable than me so i can go on living"

    in conclusion, if you dont trigger skylar, if you leave this gay bitch with fake glassess wannabe nerd alone, he would stay quiet! He wont do anything if you dont poke him.

    No_Name1123 September 12, 2024 11:45 pm
    Skylar karma is him being a loner, didnt have any friends, and have anxiety disorder, vomitting when he's in panic, being forced to take meds by his mother, and what else would he got? he is the type of someone... Cher loves cats

    While I agree with you to an extent, I think there’s a lot we don’t see eye to eye due to a difference in priorities. So let’s agree to disagree. I’m not saying you’re wrong, I think we just have different trigger points so my opinion varies from yours.

    Cher loves cats September 13, 2024 12:16 am
    While I agree with you to an extent, I think there’s a lot we don’t see eye to eye due to a difference in priorities. So let’s agree to disagree. I’m not saying you’re wrong, I think we just have diff... No_Name1123

    i dont prioritize anyone in my comment, i'm seeing it thru how the plot and conflicts are written in THEIR relationship. repeatedly their conflicts are always like this. I can even put what chapters when they have their low moment, and 100% all of that cirrus is the one who started it. the formula in their relationship conflicts are like this:

    cirrus : do shits
    skylar : reacting to that
    somehow readers: Skylar is too much!

    if i want to "prioritize" i would glaze hard over cirrus as he's in my top 5 fav ML lol. and it's kinda icky i noticed the "skylar bad" conversation only coming up when the chapter is about cirrus getting his "fuck around and find out" moment. previously, when skylar was just being happy and smiling towards cirrus, no one mentioning how he should get karma lol

    i'm always open to discussion, maybe i sound agressive but trust me i'm just passionate about reading fiction and talking about the overall plot

    No_Name1123 September 13, 2024 7:41 am
    i dont prioritize anyone in my comment, i'm seeing it thru how the plot and conflicts are written in THEIR relationship. repeatedly their conflicts are always like this. I can even put what chapters when they h... Cher loves cats

    I don’t believe you were aggressive. I respect your points and even agree with some of them. I’m sorry if I came off rude, I just felt like the way you viewed certain aspects of the story were different from how I do which is why I said let’s agree to disagree. I don’t mean to dismiss you.

    ChickenButt September 13, 2024 2:36 pm
    i dont prioritize anyone in my comment, i'm seeing it thru how the plot and conflicts are written in THEIR relationship. repeatedly their conflicts are always like this. I can even put what chapters when they h... Cher loves cats

    Regardless, the whole using Cirrus’s past against him was nonetheless fucked up. But I do agree with you on other parts, that Cirrus is worse than Skylar. Yes Cirrus may have changed but his consequences caught up to him, wrong timing for sure but it is what it is.

    winter September 13, 2024 3:35 pm

    Very well said