Bit of a rant ( I know I know, this wont be a popular rant but it is what it is) and maybe...

meme September 12, 2024 5:45 am

Bit of a rant ( I know I know, this wont be a popular rant but it is what it is) and maybe some spoilers...

23 chapters so far and no real development. This might as well be a straight story for how much they didn't behave like an alpha or omega. His rut might as well be a guy dealing with blue balls. Its like the author used key words to make it seem like omegaverse but nothing followed thru. A rut isn't something the alpha can have clear conversations and easily stop while in the process. Its called a rut for a reason.
And, what's up with calling it "guidance"? Just call it what they are...fuk buddies. She's like here let me touch you..did I guide you well? Ummm what? Guide him how? To be more sexually frustrated? Well done being a shitty friend. Ain't no way you can't tell he wants to be more then sex buds. Looks like she's refusing to deal with him honestly....she's got it made. A guy that's willing to be a doormat in hopes for more and she gets to use him whenever and for whatever....well until he gets serious and then she runs away and deflects any accountability.
Obviously, I don't care for this story and was hoping there would be some development either in their relationship or the author realizing they are basically writing a straight story and correct it. Oh well.

Side note: I'm still hoping for more alpha females with omega male pairings. Not sure why those aren't written about more. Don't tell me there's discrimination & prejudism in the editorial fields stating only a guy can pair with a guy in the fictional world of omegaverse?? Wouldn't that be funny in the most moronic way.

    やおい好きな人 September 21, 2024 12:13 am

    100% i've been reading but literally if i started at 1 or 24, theres no difference the story is still in the same place we still know just the same amount as we did on like chapter 2.