Why can’t she be upset with her husband? I don’t give a fuck if he is her husband, there is no respect for him here because he did groom Jinjoo, he took her to be married right out of highschool when he was a grown ass man, and yes he did leave her here as collateral. That is something he literally did He does think of Jinjoo as his, as his property and he left her in that situation knowing exactly what he was doing. Even the loan sharks were flabbergasted at his audacity. Where does it say that he genuinely loves her??? I can’t believe you are glossing over all of this shit

The husband is shit yes we all can see that but at the end of the day dude is still her HUSBAND as in she's a married woman,yes dude stole her youth and virginity away from her but Jinjoo is right Doyeon is just like him,Jinjoo was a young vulnerable girl and that asshole dated and married her and now she was vulnerable again and Doyeon took advantage of her so that's why Jinjoo doesn't believe Doyeon loves her because just like her husband sex is what they wanted more than to do what was and is best for Jinjoo.

Doyeon is only upset at the man because she's in love with his wife. She lashed out on him, something she wouldn't have done as a person had it not been for her own personal feelings for Jinjoo. Doyeon is sleeping with his wife. Justify it however you want, she was wrong in this situation. And everyone knows he's a piece of shit who definitely deserved to hear what Doyeon said to about him, but not from the person who is SLEEPING with his WIFE like she's innocent. It's her fault for falling for a married woman. It's her fault for pursuing a married woman. It's her fault for sleeping with a married woman. And then she's taking out her frustrations on them both. I've never glossed over what he did to Jinjoo, you're choosing to pick apart what I wrote. I clearly stated how horrible of a person he is for what he did to his wife, but that doesn't mean he didn't love her. Jinjoo can be upset with her husband, but Doyeon- especially coming from a place of a side piece cheater- had no right to out him as being horrible when she's going behind his back sleeping with his wife and smiling in his face. Jinjoos husband is horrible absolutely, but you can't retort back at me because I bashed on Doyeon as well. You can't possibly think she's the innocent one in this situation.

Nice comment....i feel like people feel sorry for Doyeon because of her past and how she grew up and totally not wanting her to be accountable for her actions and behaviour,a person's past shouldn't be a pass to be a shitty person in their present life and how they live it,everyone knows right from wrong,Doyeon saw that Jinjoo was in destress and then decided to add to her problems by encouraging her to become a cheater by Jinjoo feeling like she had no darn choice or be kicked out,Jinjoo was living in a totally destroyed house with not much to eat because she couldn't even go out to get food which made her loose a lot of weight,Jinjoo was scared all day and night and even was sexually harassed by one of the thugs,Doyeon knew all that yet still fucked Jinjoo,so how is Doyeon different from the asshole husband who knew Jinjoo's parents may have not beem good to her and fooled her into leaving her family as soon she she finished highschool then gave her a shitty life/marriage.
For me i feel like Jinjoo is justified not to trust Doyeon and Jinjoo falling in love with Doyeon while she's a dumb bold bitch and a stupid piece of shit,Jinjoo will just be in hot water again,Jinjoo deserves happiness finally and Doyeon's happiness doesn't trump Jinjoo's in my opinion.
Honestly? Everyone kinda sucks in this situation. The husband for leaving Jinjoo in such a horrible condition that would traumatize anyone for years without mental help and expecting everything to be water under the bridge when he returned with the problem fixed; Doyeon for even lusting after a married, broken, scared, traumatized woman who needed help more than anything else in her life- like seriously. She saw first hand what Jinjoo had to go through and she couldn't put her horniness aside long enough to even be concerned with whether or not Jinjoo was in a better place mentally or physically before she tried to make a move. Even then, Jinjoo confessed to feeling obligated to offer her body up because she didn't have anything else, that should have been an indication to not fuck around with her. And then Doyeon still has the gall to be upset with the husband- like, yeah, he's a P.O.S. but he is her HUSBAND! And he clearly, truly loves her. But my absolute qualm with Doyeon is her taking out her frustrations on Jinjoo, who, may I remind you again, is a mentally damaged and broken woman who caved at her lowest point in life. She's angry with Jinjoo. A married woman. A scared woman. A damaged woman who never got the help for her trauma. And Jinjoo sucks ass at communicating. She's such a pushover and a coward. This may be related to her past experience, but she's doing nothing but digging herself a grave with a shovel Doyeon personally handed her. Doyeon is single handedly making everyone's situation worse. I know she's young, but she was much more level headed in the beginning of the manhwa. Jinjoo doesn't deserve to be putting up with either one of them, honestly. I just want her to be happy.