
Urlayzzz September 11, 2024 8:23 pm

Uhm,, hello? This is just my opinion but i don't think Hyo-un mean anything by that, it's just like stating that he is everything to him, a friend, a brother, a father, a lover that he can turn to, anytime when things get tough, it's like stating he's there for him through everything, like "he's my lover, my rival and my bestfriend". It's not really weird if you'd understand what it really means. It's like saying he's there for him as a father, as a brother, and especially as a lover, he didn't mean it sexually or what, rather than, he mean it romantically. People saying that this isn't a romantic manhwa at all, i get your point. But answer me, is it because you're focusing on the sexual chapters? But not the message or the story really wants to convey? Try meeting someone who helped you since child, you got attached to, but then died, then wait for them for centuries, you'll know what love is. (No hate, just stating my opinion.)

    MIssEricax September 11, 2024 11:42 pm

    finally someone who gets it

    Lil_Tenshi26 September 12, 2024 1:20 am

    For people who dont understand this clearly has never experienced being in a serious relationship where in your roles with your partner sometimes goes beyond than being your lover

    Peepaw September 12, 2024 3:03 am
    For people who dont understand this clearly has never experienced being in a serious relationship where in your roles with your partner sometimes goes beyond than being your lover Lil_Tenshi26

    Sorry I've never wanted to fuck my dad?

    Lil_Tenshi26 September 12, 2024 3:21 am
    Sorry I've never wanted to fuck my dad? Peepaw

    You clearly misunderstood the figure of speech, what im trying to say or if you can read properly, there are partners who sees each other far beyond as a.lover to the extent of seeimg them as a family maybe try experiencing love for a change, and try to broaden your literacy skills

    Peepaw September 12, 2024 3:25 am
    You clearly misunderstood the figure of speech, what im trying to say or if you can read properly, there are partners who sees each other far beyond as a.lover to the extent of seeimg them as a family maybe try... Lil_Tenshi26

    ???? Yeah ok sure, but this story isn't doing that this manhwa is about a guy raping his father figure and the father figure being into it

    MIssEricax September 12, 2024 5:23 am
    ???? Yeah ok sure, but this story isn't doing that this manhwa is about a guy raping his father figure and the father figure being into it Peepaw

    maybe don't read it if you have a issue with this, dont need haters here

    Urlayzzz September 12, 2024 5:27 am
    ???? Yeah ok sure, but this story isn't doing that this manhwa is about a guy raping his father figure and the father figure being into it Peepaw

    You're right, he's a father figure to Hyo-un, a father figure, a brother, a lover. So? Like come on, it's a father figure, not his biological father, rather than that, can't we call it like him being there for Hyo-un at his lowest? And i'm sure Hyo-un wasn't young that time, he's probably more than 20+ because he already lived as a dragon then just transformed into a human. I mean, if you look at the situation, it's not disgusting. "i was traumatized.. from the humans, but then this person.. he made me realized one thing, he gave me warmth, love, and a comfort that i've never been experienced" can't we look at it like that? Rather than a father figure.. he's the first human who gave warmth to Hyo-un, he saved him. His so called mate is aware of it, they're not brother, father or relatives. They're simply lovers who's everything for each other, lovers that resembles every important roles in their life, lovers that's meant for each other before they're even born.

    aokises September 12, 2024 6:13 am
    You're right, he's a father figure to Hyo-un, a father figure, a brother, a lover. So? Like come on, it's a father figure, not his biological father, rather than that, can't we call it like him being there for ... Urlayzzz

    exactly! you put it perfectly into words. i think the issue here is that some of these readers cant detach the smut/porn from the story. like cmon guys, relationships go beyond and deeper than sex. stop letting the porn rot your brains when youre trying to find some weird/crazy meaning behind certain words not everything is initially sexual, and if your conclusion was that while reading this then you need to get your head out the gutter, cause that was never the implication in the first place. it’s a figure of speech, taehyuk just represents all those types of love to hyo-un because he has been everything to him since the moment hyo-un became human. and all that love in the end accumulated into him becoming his mate (aka basically a soulmate) which to me, all the more makes sense what their love means to each other. they are each others everything! each others world!!!

    Urlayzzz September 12, 2024 6:46 am
    exactly! you put it perfectly into words. i think the issue here is that some of these readers cant detach the smut/porn from the story. like cmon guys, relationships go beyond and deeper than sex. stop letting... aokises

    Right, huhu. These guys are focusing on the sexual scenes eh, they're more focused on the fact that Hyo-un got sexually attracted to Taehyuk but that was not the thing at all. These manhwas.. they have a deeper story, deeper meanings, not just some smut or what, try focusing on the story more, on the message that the story wants to convey, and you guys will understand it.

    Peepaw September 12, 2024 11:37 am
    Right, huhu. These guys are focusing on the sexual scenes eh, they're more focused on the fact that Hyo-un got sexually attracted to Taehyuk but that was not the thing at all. These manhwas.. they have a deeper... Urlayzzz

    This has to be satire like ur messing with me because there's no way you guys genuinely believe this story is some deep insightful masterpiece. And if you do then... my condolences get well soon

    aokises September 12, 2024 2:33 pm
    This has to be satire like ur messing with me because there's no way you guys genuinely believe this story is some deep insightful masterpiece. And if you do then... my condolences get well soon Peepaw

    you need stop letting the porn rot your brain buddy, it just shows you have an immature way of thinking in my opinion, if all you can pick up is some weird sexual meaning behind every little thing that they say and revolve the story only around that then go read something more plain and more on the fluffy side rather than this because clearly you fail to comprehend what is being told throughout the story since you can’t even get past the sexual aspect. this type of story is just not for you. so instead of coming here to complain in the comments, you should do what i do and what i think Most people do when they don’t like something. close it and never go back to it again, plain and simple. just stop reading it and move on.

    jun September 12, 2024 4:08 pm
    You're right, he's a father figure to Hyo-un, a father figure, a brother, a lover. So? Like come on, it's a father figure, not his biological father, rather than that, can't we call it like him being there for ... Urlayzzz

    well if we're being honest he only really lived as a dragon in that lake and didn't have that many experiences living outside of it, thats why he became a human and everything he felt and did as a human was his first time. He was basically a child, even if he was a dragon for thousands of years.

    Urlayzzz September 12, 2024 5:19 pm
    This has to be satire like ur messing with me because there's no way you guys genuinely believe this story is some deep insightful masterpiece. And if you do then... my condolences get well soon Peepaw

    Nah bro. It's because we understand the story. We're open minded to what is happening, Like common sense right? It's a story, a manhwa, things goes like this and like that, we should just use our critical thinking. And please, if you're gonna argue back, explain your point, you're just saying things that doesn't explain anything at all:)

    Urlayzzz September 12, 2024 5:24 pm
    well if we're being honest he only really lived as a dragon in that lake and didn't have that many experiences living outside of it, thats why he became a human and everything he felt and did as a human was his... jun

    Yup! Correct, but that's not my point huhu, just explaining that this manhwa, has a deeper story flow that what it is showing, you can't read a story and just focus on it physical aspects, stories has roots, many roots, and we story/manhwa readers, just have to understand it^^^

    Peepaw September 12, 2024 8:49 pm
    Nah bro. It's because we understand the story. We're open minded to what is happening, Like common sense right? It's a story, a manhwa, things goes like this and like that, we should just use our critical think... Urlayzzz

    I'll argue my point if that'll make u happy ig. Just kind of pointless cuz I've done this so many times LMAO
    I do actually really like characters growing beyond just being lovers and encompassing multiple different relationships, but that isn't what happened here. They didn't begin as lovers or friends or whatever, they began as father and son or at least guardian and the child he's taking care of. You can argue all u want that the ml wasn't actually a child (which I completely disagree with and find stupid but whatever), but it doesn't change the fact that the mc still viewed him as a child. As his child. For 10 years. It wasn't a few days or months, he took care of that kid for TEN YEARS. Whatever u wanna say about how the ml views their relationship, there's no justification for the mc. You can also tell by the dialogue and panelling that the mc is turned on by the idea of having sex with, dare I say grooming, the child he raised (yes I mentioned the sexual part because it is part of the story and their relationship u can't just ignore it). I can understand ur argument if you're JUST talking about the mc. I still think it's incredibly inappropriate and poorly written (he loves him so so so much which is why he rapes him!!!), but I can see how the mc has become a very important figure to him beyond just a "lover" (even tho they should've never been lovers and he probably considers him a father or brother not because he's more than just a lover, but because he was literally raised by him but whatever!!!!). The mc tho is just gross. Especially because he acknowledged how weird it is to be into the kid he raised (which is just another example of the authors awful writing but I've explained that so many times I don't feel like doing it again). I don't think this story is that deep I think the author is just into pseudoincest and tried to defend it with shota/loli logic. Ermmmm he looks like a child but he's actually a 3000+ year old dragon!!!!

    Urlayzzz September 13, 2024 5:28 am
    I'll argue my point if that'll make u happy ig. Just kind of pointless cuz I've done this so many times LMAOI do actually really like characters growing beyond just being lovers and encompassing multiple differ... Peepaw

    If you explained your point i wouldn't agree this much, you're literally correct, but your first sentence isn't the perfect words to match this whole explanation so i misunderstand it, sorry huhu, but it's not "rape" okay? If the other party is into it, it's not rape, you're right tho, both of us had a point so sorry, i completely misunderstood.