She's playing the game exactly the way that it was meant to be played. She decided to go for glasses guy because he was easy, but now that she knows that he has actual feelings for her and wants to ditch his 10 year long relationship with his girlfriend for her, she doesn't want to deal with that. Sure she doesn't have anyone else's interest in mind other than her own, but at least she's not trying to act like a good guy and being all wishy washy like the guy is, still stringing his girlfriend along even when he decided he was going to be in a relationship with yuri instead

right on, yeah yuri isn’t the best but she’s literally doing what she came for: playing the game, being entertainment. both her and the guy she came with were never seriously together, they were on and off so it’s not like she’s betraying him. what do people want her to do? touch and kiss and spend time with the guy she came with? she won’t get any points. what she’s doing isn’t any different from taerin.

I'm not denying she is playing along with the game rules. I'm just saying that what she's doing isn't what a "queen" would do. So my problem is less with her herself and more with the people...praising her for exposing the guy's true colors, when I don't think it's something to praise her for. I still don't like her because she was still doing too much in my opinion. If you're gonna do all that, at least be in first place yk.

I mean, I didn't say she betrayed him or cheated, if it's me you're talking about. I don't like her but I'm well-aware that she and her man are not really together. And I'd argue she's not doing the same thing as taerin. Last time I checked, yuri and the glasses guy got freaky just to get their heartbeats up. Like reaaaaal freaky.
Lol aren't you guys liking yuri a bit too much? Like yeah she doesn't give a f about his ass but it doesn't change the fact that not only she has no consideration for sanghee and she's acting exactly like a homewrecker would even if this is a game. Doing all that just to not be in first place is kinda crazy, especially considering taerin is first even though most of the stuff she did was pretty tame compared to yuri. Idk about her being the queen you're saying she is