Well, an obsessed seme or an obsessed male character seems to be a trope in mangas/animes. I think it appeals to a lot of readers (thus they continue to show this trope over and over). I don't necessarily hate it, but I've found this trope so often in mangas or fandoms that I've grown numb to it. As a writer myself, I feel slightly ashamed that I don't hate it more. (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

It's totally an age group thing. In 8th grade I would have loved this story. But I grew up and acquired some maturity and common sense

Yeah, ...No way, dude. I see where you're coming from but imagine if that were really true? (⊙…⊙ ) Since many people also say manga authors use this trope to cater to their audience's fantasies, if only kids of a certain age enjoy this, then that'd mean either that a) kids have rape fantasies or b) manga authors know underage kids are reading this and are still (or deliberately) adding rape to their stories??

It is more common for younger kids to like these tropes more and it makes sense that they would. They most (9/10) likely have no concept of how real relationships and sex work. The ignorance allows them to think differently from someone older than them who is more likely to have more knowledge. It's a justifiable statement that is not meant to generalize.

Your statement is so erroneous that I actually debated on whether to ignore it or to take it seriously and reply accordingly. The "romanticized rape" trope in fiction is not a child's fantasy, it is an adult women's fantasy that has absolutely nothing to do with education, age or level of maturity. It is enjoyed by a diverse group of people across cultures and socio-economic levels. Yaoi is a subgenre of Romance Fiction whose target demographic is adult women whose ages vary from 18 to 54 years old. Are there teenagers reading Yaoi? most definitely, but they are not statistically significant, again, due that the genre is not constructed with children/teenagers in mind, but explicitly marketed to adult women. Now, if the genre is for adults and the romanticized rape trope is still prevalent in Yaoi and still going strong, what does that tell you? no need for an economics degree to realize that it means demand from the target consumer is strong, therefore, it is adult women who enjoy this trope, the same adult women that went gaga over movies like "50 Shades of Grey" and catapulted it to popularity. Women of all levels of education and socio-economic status. Do your homework, educate yourself, as everything that I'm stating here is based on fact with the subject widely studied and discussed in popular media and most of the social sciences. The information is readily available for anyone interested in learning about the subject of romance fiction, the psychology of women and why "romanticized rape" is still going strong in the fiction romance genre.
Now, I understand that in modern times, it has become a sort of intellectual batch of honor to demonize the trope and the romance genre in general. It is one thing to say "I don't enjoy the rape-trope fantasy, but I don't think that those women that enjoy it are stupid since it is nothing but a matter of individual preference in fiction just like anything else", but something entirely different to have some pompous ass acting all superior while declaring that only "immature teenagers" can possibly enjoy such a thing; and too often we see these type of supercilious and ignorant attitudes such as yours, that have effectively forced women to become "closet romance readers", hesitant to admit they enjoy the genre because they are afraid to be stigmatized as internalized misogynistic idiots; conversely, kindle has made a lot of women happy because they can now read their romance fiction in public! but no matter how much women readers hide in the closet, the numbers don't lie with romance dominating the fiction industry (1.08 billions approximately in sales each year) with adult women making 84% of buyers. This is palpable evidence that a significant portion of adult women enjoy romance fiction which encompasses subgenres such as Yaoi, Romantica, Erotica, etc. that contain tropes such as romanticized rape, including the hypocritical ones that in public denigrate readers that enjoy the genre while they themselves are in the closet; which really makes me wonder at people like you acting all judgmental in a Yaoi forum out of all places, LOL!!

Exactly! I wish I had read your reply before writing my long assed exposition on the subject. You pretty much summarized my point very succinctly! The fact is that the target demographic of Yaoi is adult women, not teenagers; therefore, content demand (such as sex and romanticized rape) is driven by adult women.
I might be being unreasonable, but why do I feel like all these extras from Chunta's point of view are to soften up and/or excuse his actions in the beginning? (i.e. him acting like a rapist).
Well, anyway..I'm not sure i'd like someone to be THAT in love with me. He's almost like an obsessed stalker, but in a "kya~" (?) kind of way.