I don’t think anything in this story is towards being wholesome or lovey-dovey and I don’t particularly see it this way either. As I said he was a well written character and seing what they’ve gone through together, their reasonings for their actions etc. all of those were a fun read and grew on me.
The characters are really well written indeed, and the story also grew on me, to the point I want to create a Jin's protection squad, because he is, so far, a really wholesome character that was abused his whole life by the person he liked the most.
For me, Charin is trash, I understand where he comes from but it's not an excuse for how toxic he is. I like him as a character, I even rooted for them at some point, but after his development, not anymore as a love interest for someone as pure as Jin. They only brought each other pain.
I seriously don't get people hating the green haired guy and excusing Charin when they're both poison... In my book, Charin is even worse because he harmed for 10 years, nonstop, someone who loved and did everything for him.
So I'm against the current and rather see trash with trash and I'll hope for someone else to see value and treat Jin well.
I don't think Jin is as pure as you say he is, as it's been implied that Jin was weird as a child and he had also bullied Tehir to where tehir is now crippled, so I think there's still alot of flaws with him that we just don't know yet.
And I think with the way the Author is writing his story, it's setting up as 'there is no morally correct character.' So I don't think it'll be like:
"Jin - The only normal, untainted, pure, lovable person in the world - vs the other characters who are pretty fucked up"
I think Jin also has his fucked up ways that we don't know about yet or his grown out of it but it will still left heavy impacts on others lives, where they themselves can't forget about it.
So yeah I don't think we should be idolising any of these characters as if one is right and innocent and the other is tainted, wrong and bad. I feel like they're all are right and wrong in their own way as some of the things that they do, come from how they feel and both Jin and Charin's feelings are valid, especially because what they've each gone through.
Main point: I don't think Jin is the most pure goody good any person can good to where compared to other characters we have to protect him from them. As well as I don't think we can really put a 'Good vs Bad' kind of ideology on Jin and Charin's situation or 'Morally Correct vs Incorrect'.
Sorry, my mistake, I did use the expression "so far", but I still probably didn't phrase it right, when I said Jin's pure is because his feelings towards Charin and the way he expressed them were as pure as one can be, if he did anything harmful on purpose towards Charin I really missed, so I think it really is something to compare.
Also, I'm not native English speaker, in my understanding pure doesn't mean flawless, I said with a innocent meaning, because Jin always put Charin's feelings first.
I'm also hoping to see more of that, actually, how it all happened before Jin lost his memory and so on, my point was really only about the toxic dynamic between Jin and Charin.
I also don't think Jin's the only lovable person, in fact I pretty much think everyone deserves some love, including Charin and Snake tattoo guy, so I rather see them together happily than redirecting their toxicity somewhere else.
Every feeling is valid, the actions we take because of them that are not. It's not right to rape someone because they arouse us, it's not right to mentally cripple someone because of inferiority complex, and so on. Charin suffered a lot and caused a lot of harm because he didn't deal with his feelings. All their friends died miserable deaths because he didn't listen to anyone and did everything without a care for the consequences.
And, if the morally correct doesn't apply, then I seriously don't get why people hate the snake tattoo guy... If nothing the characters do matter anyway...
I know I tend to bring a lot of my real life values and experiences to fiction, all kinds of abuse trigger me. The reasons I don't like Charin as Jin's love interest is because he abused him all his memorable life, I like him as a character even though he pisses me off to no end.
I think there's nothing wrong to like character for whatever reason, I also like many "wrong" characters out there, I just disagree with excusing their toxic behavior just because we like and feel for them.
It still surprises me how people really don't notice psychological abuse. I'm not trying to throw shade or anything like that, it's just shows how this isn't discussed enough.
What Charin did to Jin is, through manipulation, destroy his perception of self-worth and even reality precisely because he wanted to bound Jin to him like a property in order to increase his own self-esteem. That's the most common reason why people struggle so much to leave abusive relationships even when there's violence involved, and why is also everyday occurrence for victims to be in relationships with their abusers.
I'll try to explain, but I suggest you read it again and try to put yourself in Jin's perspective, not Charin's. Try to imagine someone you love doing and saying everything Charin did to you.
Jin was a child alone with no memories, he "imprinted" on Charin to belong somewhere, so we can't say he did it of his own will because he didn't have it developed yet. Charin was a child too, and I knowledge that everything he did was basically his narcissistic instinct and not calculated to cripple Jin, but the end result is basically the same.
Every time Jin tried to do something good for the group Charin, who was in the position of power inside the group, would destroy, insult, neglect Jin to the point he was so afraid of being abandoned that he started to adapt to Charin's will, like not thinking for himself and only do what he's told because that way he was treated "better", every single victim of domestic and child abuse does that, the perpetrator keep "reminding" them they're stupid, useless and wouldn't be able to anything by themselves, cutting their ability to see a way out, warping their sense of reality.
As they grow and Jin's affection becomes romantic/sexual, so does the insults he received even when he didn't act upon his feelings, and Charin did to him one of the most cruel things that someone can do to someone that puts him above all else: make him believe he was repulsive and hated to the point that his affection could literally make Charin want to die, and since he was displaying suicidal tendencies, it was super effective, that's why Jin had that breakdown crying in the end thinking he isn't even human.
Charin was always gaslighting him to the point Jin became unable to actually comprehend some things, when Charin says he likes him, Jin genuinely doesn't believe because he endured 10 years of psychological abuse and being treated as inferior (even their friend pointed it out how unreasonable it was).
That's basically the gist of it, they're relationship was extremely toxic for everyone involved, including the dead friends, because Jin's being there arouse the worse aspects of Charin's personality and insecurities.
...... U think it's only charin who was toxic ?when they both equally were toxic, charin was toxic to himself and jin, and jin was toxic to himself, one didn't wanted to admit that he liked the other person cause he had high self esteem, where the other person was making fool of himself ,making himself more stupid just so to be with jin having no self esteem
Charin couldn't accept jins affection cause ppl always looked at him sexually and he was disgusted with himself , he was born from the lowest class of something which led them to have self destruction,
on the other hand jin was very smart and intelligent but charin didn't liked that which was shown in their flashback, seeing that dislike jin started to act stupid just so he could be with charin
Yes charin was toxic i won' deny but ur looking from only one perspective
You can't blame a victim for developing defense mechanisms. It's the same to say to someone not to feel pain when their hurt, it's how he tried to adapt to the oppressive environment he was in. It really is extremely problematic, that's what trauma does and why victims need therapy to heal.
When we look up to someone their words have immense power over us because listening to them over and over make us actually believe they're true, that's why people actually kill themselves because of slandering, and also why entire populations can become mass murderers, that's brain-washig. So to say "Jin started to act stupid just so he could be with Charin's" it's kind of a big understatement because it wasn't only an act, Jin actually stopped thinking because Charin's power over him is that strong.
I look properly at every single character, that's why I said Jin's presence was also harmful to Charin because it triggered his own problematic characteristics. That's also why I can't root for them to be together, because it's a dangerous combination that already caused enough damage (death of 12 people), even though I actually like both characters in a different way.
I think Charin's feelings, like everyone else, are valid and justified, the author did a really great job, that's why we're having this conversation now and why so many people feel for him, the problem lies in his abusive and self-destructive actions, and sadly, the consequences that we all read.
Mfs couldn’t you come 10 seconds ago and save his bf;; or maybe if you are leaving burn the fucking mansion what is this laxness
Everything in the story indicated that Charin would die but I still can’t get over it. He was so well written, I liked what they had with jin