
Danieka September 11, 2024 4:35 pm

Y'all are calling Ilay hot but I bet you’re the same ones throwing red flags at Jaekyung when he walks in a room. Ilay is literally garbage oh my god the novel was only bearable once he started suffering even a little.

    desid September 11, 2024 5:09 pm

    they're all grabage at this point lmao, at least ilay frontloads all the crazy vs jaekyung where we're supposed to believe he's someone who can be reasoned out with

    -hoeforhange- September 11, 2024 5:23 pm

    Nah nah. Jaekyung is annoying spoiled brat and a red flag. Illay is a psycho and a red flag. Both of them suck if we're being honest. PASSION is just a better read OVERALL than the infuriating mess jinx is. But yes you're definitely right.

    Danieka September 11, 2024 8:32 pm
    they're all grabage at this point lmao, at least ilay frontloads all the crazy vs jaekyung where we're supposed to believe he's someone who can be reasoned out with desid

    Snaps to that, is it so hard for mangakas to create a work that doesn’t glamorize rape or abuse in some aspect, Our Sunny Days and A Thousand Cranes is a great example of a healthy fucking relationship

    Danieka September 11, 2024 8:33 pm
    Nah nah. Jaekyung is annoying spoiled brat and a red flag. Illay is a psycho and a red flag. Both of them suck if we're being honest. PASSION is just a better read OVERALL than the infuriating mess jinx is. But... -hoeforhange-

    The art is beautiful I agree, but goddamn I can’t even agree with the better read because I read the novel and had to keep putting it down to find my happy place haha waiting for the day mangakas learn how to create a story without the same old tropes and red flags

    -hoeforhange- September 12, 2024 9:00 am
    The art is beautiful I agree, but goddamn I can’t even agree with the better read because I read the novel and had to keep putting it down to find my happy place haha waiting for the day mangakas learn how to... Danieka

    In comparison. Better read than jinx. But on its own I just like the brother uncle plotline and the Unhrdo whatever thing I guess? I tried reading the novel but quit because it was all over the place. But yes, it's almost like they're checking of points from a toxic yaoi template at this point. It's getting old.