maybe it's just an inconsistency but

LuluKillua September 11, 2024 1:15 pm

in the first life ml called mc Yudrein?
when he's called Yuder?

    Kimdokja'swife September 11, 2024 1:29 pm

    No I think in his first life, he was Yudrain, then in this lifetime he changed his name to Yuder

    Marina September 11, 2024 1:54 pm


    1st time line is Yudrain. He didnt know what it meant and he wasnt able to ask Kishiar but in the current timeline, he was named as Yuder and when it came to a time when he was able to discuss the 1st time line with Kishiar, Kishiar told him what it meant --- iirc, it meant eternity or forever. And that the 1st timeline Kishiar didnt just name him randomly but named him fondly.

    asldkfj September 11, 2024 4:20 pm


    In his last life Yuder was bestowed the name Yudrian after he got promoted of sorts. In this life he hasn't been promoted so he still goes by Yuder. It's kind of like the last name ceremony they had.