i think a big reason as to why i love this manwha is how homey it feels. a lot of other bls usually take place in a different or imaginary world where queer relationships are fully allowed to exist, but here we get to see sung and kwon's real struggles. The way Sung Ho questions being with a man, and the way the salesmen automatically assume that they have wives, these subtle ways of endowing homophobia through microaggressions is done so well. The way these characters also react to prejudice is not theatrical, but rather thoroughly thought about. With cliche stories about moving from one dramatic plot point to the next, this story takes its time to show the everyday lives of these characters making it feel so real.
i think a big reason as to why i love this manwha is how homey it feels. a lot of other bls usually take place in a different or imaginary world where queer relationships are fully allowed to exist, but here we get to see sung and kwon's real struggles. The way Sung Ho questions being with a man, and the way the salesmen automatically assume that they have wives, these subtle ways of endowing homophobia through microaggressions is done so well. The way these characters also react to prejudice is not theatrical, but rather thoroughly thought about. With cliche stories about moving from one dramatic plot point to the next, this story takes its time to show the everyday lives of these characters making it feel so real.