Can someone explain to me, why is dokja considered an "exile", what are the other people t...

Dantalion September 10, 2024 11:09 pm

Can someone explain to me, why is dokja considered an "exile", what are the other people then? If they are incarnations from other dimensions, how are they living peacefully, and why are "demons" governing the place.

Sorry if it's a lot, and confusing. It's just that, as much as I like the story, it often skips the basic information of how things work there.

    alittlebitdevilish September 10, 2024 11:39 pm

    dokja's an exile cus he was banished from the scenario
    the other people are mostly humans & also other species who came from different dimensions

    Momoko24 September 10, 2024 11:42 pm

    Dokja died in his scenario and before disappearing for good the weeny man send him to another scenario and since he doesn’t belong there he is an exile. I don’t remember much from the novel but the other were brought there to be slaves after they lost their world and scenario I think… they are not living peacefully you will see it in the following chapters and the demons governing there because it’s their world if you go back one or two chapters Dokja explains it

    alittlebitdevilish September 10, 2024 11:44 pm
    dokja's an exile cus he was banished from the scenariothe other people are mostly humans & also other species who came from different dimensions alittlebitdevilish

    i dont really remember or know why they are seemingly living peacefully but I assume it's because there are no constellations watching so it's not necessary to kill everyone off
    also they aren't really living peacefully as u will see in the later chapters
    & the demons are governing that place because after all it is the demon realm & the higher level demons rule over the industrial complex

    Dantalion September 11, 2024 11:44 am

    So aslan is special because althought he didn't originally belong to that scenario, unlike the others who lost and were forced there, he can leave whenever with his ability... correct?

    alittlebitdevilish September 11, 2024 8:09 pm
    So aslan is special because althought he didn't originally belong to that scenario, unlike the others who lost and were forced there, he can leave whenever with his ability... correct? Dantalion

    Yes you could see in this chapter that Aslan is a returnee who doesn't wish to leave the demon realm and has been to other dimensions before.