He can't just believed that the Annette he knows is not the real Annette he knows at all. ...

HanamiHaru September 10, 2024 4:56 pm

He can't just believed that the Annette he knows is not the real Annette he knows at all. He just thought of her just a sheltered woman from a noble family who doesn't know what's life outside palace. But when Annette started to realize her shortcomings and chose to face it on, the image he created on his mind started to shatter. He never thought that Annette can go and do whatever she pleases without being controlled by anyone. He is starting to realize that he is the bad guy after all in their relationship.

    GEO7397 September 11, 2024 1:34 am

    I second this thought!
    It’s interesting to see his thought processes, and watch him struggle to change his convictions.
    When he finally accepts his responsibility in his and Annette's suffering, I'm looking forward to see what he'll do.

    Nemesis September 14, 2024 1:43 am

    and also it shows how Annette is a better person than him. The fact that she recognizes her faults and even faults that wasn't hers to begin with, she used it to learn and to atone but Reinier on the other hand has no the emotional intelligence of a llama