Vros are expecting Fyodor Plath Hosseini Tolkien

Cerealgirl September 10, 2024 4:26 pm

From motherfuckin gay smut I'm dying bro it's meant to be trashy

    shizu-chan September 12, 2024 12:21 am

    Just say you read only trash. The way you degrade bl stories to just trashy sex and trashy stories makes them somehow inferior to normal love stories with depth and nuance. You can't fault people for having high expectations from BL stories. Some of the best novels are bl ones not because they're bl but because they are super well written.

    Though I do agree with you that from 1st chapter of this manhwa is clear that it isna trashy one

    Cerealgirl September 12, 2024 7:57 am
    Just say you read only trash. The way you degrade bl stories to just trashy sex and trashy stories makes them somehow inferior to normal love stories with depth and nuance. You can't fault people for having hig... shizu-chan

    Bro idk what to say to you… you do realize all of BL isnt just gay smut right?

    shizu-chan September 12, 2024 9:10 am
    Bro idk what to say to you… you do realize all of BL isnt just gay smut right? Cerealgirl

    This is what I should be saying to you dawg

    Cerealgirl September 12, 2024 11:12 am
    This is what I should be saying to you dawg shizu-chan

    Uhm you do realize I didn’t post this on general but under a manhwa thats literally built rapey smut right? Are you okay? I mean sure if you wanna generalise what I said to the genre sure there are good shit time to time but like most of it is the same old raped into submission shit with a sprinkle of trauma bond whose main purpose is to substantiate the smut idk what you wanna hear from me lmfao good for you I guess lol