This is just my opinion

UwU September 10, 2024 4:24 pm

Still find it weird how he literally raised him in his past life and the Seme says “ur like a father and a brother to me” like bro that literally proves my point even further that this is weird as fuck. I know the uke is in a new life now but the way the Seme remembers his past lover is weird cuz he was a kid and he got with his guardian that raised him. I feel like seme needs to move on and love the current UKe instead of making him remember his past self and stuff

    HomosexualTranny September 13, 2024 7:31 pm
    Bruh and I love how that Moron person put in their bio and they changed it to target me and they say they been reading BL for 12 years and their account started 2020 and that new Bl readers ruining everything.... UwU

    NVR thought that I'll meet someone that made it their entire personality in big 2024

    HomosexualTranny September 13, 2024 7:35 pm
    Yeah lol like idc if u like this don’t have a go at me for what I’m saying and then proceed to spread misinformation about something I didn’t say. People like them would get a punch in the face irl if the... UwU

    Real, now that I'm rethinking it why is bro treating gay porn like a cult

    UwU September 14, 2024 3:03 pm
    NVR thought that I'll meet someone that made it their entire personality in big 2024 HomosexualTranny

    For real I just come on here every now and then to read either BL, GL, Action, horror, comedy or whatever genre, and I leave a comment everytime. And this is the first time someone has gotten so mad for no reason. This is when it becomes unhealthy like bro needs to stop being a yaoi addict. No hate u can read it, it just comes to a point when you make it ur personality or it’s like the only thing you read, that’s when it has completely taken over u, and u should really get some help or just stop over all. because that’s actually insane that ppl like that person would come on here and bully people just because we have different opinions because we hurt their little yaoi porn addicted heart :,( and they get mad because we are “new readers” and not yaoi porn addicts. Crazy.

    HomosexualTranny September 14, 2024 3:35 pm
    For real I just come on here every now and then to read either BL, GL, Action, horror, comedy or whatever genre, and I leave a comment everytime. And this is the first time someone has gotten so mad for no reas... UwU
