This is just my opinion

UwU September 10, 2024 4:24 pm

Still find it weird how he literally raised him in his past life and the Seme says “ur like a father and a brother to me” like bro that literally proves my point even further that this is weird as fuck. I know the uke is in a new life now but the way the Seme remembers his past lover is weird cuz he was a kid and he got with his guardian that raised him. I feel like seme needs to move on and love the current UKe instead of making him remember his past self and stuff

    Meruemshu September 12, 2024 8:53 pm
    No shit dumbass that’s why I’m leaving my opinion so other people can see it and realise that this fucken pedo shit dumb cunt UwU

    PS: your "this is just my opinion" title aged like milk lmao. Your opinion isn't facts, so you calling it "pedoshit" is "just your opinion" and just as irrelevant as you.

    dumbass clown.

    HomosexualTranny September 12, 2024 11:29 pm

    Pedo stories fit Meru ig, but why is bro still tryna make this a safe space when you're supposed to be reading and interacting bro forgot that this is the Internet and that different point of view exists, I read fucked up shit but nvr do I try to make a petty excuse for it let alone do I hate on someone speaking the truth lol

    HomosexualTranny September 12, 2024 11:34 pm

    This is kinda funny bro tryna bully someone giving their honest opinion and you're not even wrong

    UwU September 13, 2024 5:54 am
    This is kinda funny bro tryna bully someone giving their honest opinion and you're not even wrong HomosexualTranny

    Ikr it’s not letting me reply to their messages maybe he blocked me

    UwU September 13, 2024 6:02 am
    Ikr it’s not letting me reply to their messages maybe he blocked me UwU

    That Meru person is silly I was giving my opinion. I appreciate their input, but this discussion was intended for those who share my perspective. If he disagree, that's okay—maybe it's best for him to focus on conversations that align more with his views. Since Meruemush is a P3d0. He must like seeing kids being raised into adult hood get fucked by the person who raised them.

    Saying I’m brain dead and then bro starts talking about policies that don’t even exist on this fucken website and my opinion doesn’t mean I’m stating facts u dumb cunt. do you know what an opinion means would you like a definition???

    I’m giving my view or judgement formed about this and I say it’s pedo shit, and what I said at the very beginning of this didn’t have to lead u to reply, because this conversation wasn’t relevant to u. U just wanted to reply to try make ur opinion better how about u start ur own fucken topic dumb cunt and get other pedos to agree with u

    UwU September 13, 2024 6:05 am
    Pedo stories fit Meru ig, but why is bro still tryna make this a safe space when you're supposed to be reading and interacting bro forgot that this is the Internet and that different point of view exists, I rea... HomosexualTranny

    Ikr he can read his little pedo stories for all I care I’m just saying it’s weird and want other people to see my comment and think ok I should be aware of this because no doubt some people might have trauma or sm. Iv read mangas and I didn’t expect there to be stuff in it like rape, because they weren’t tagged properly. This one needs better tags.

    HomosexualTranny September 13, 2024 7:12 am
    Ikr it’s not letting me reply to their messages maybe he blocked me UwU

    They blocked me on the first thing I said, cant handle the truth ig

    HomosexualTranny September 13, 2024 7:15 am
    Ikr he can read his little pedo stories for all I care I’m just saying it’s weird and want other people to see my comment and think ok I should be aware of this because no doubt some people might have traum... UwU

    Bro is obsessed with rapey yaoi, I have no room to judge but I ain't gonna put someone down just to keep their mouth shut when they're telling the truth but what's even more concerning is that they are stuck in late 2021 yaoi community mindset but is tryna bully someone

    HomosexualTranny September 13, 2024 7:16 am
    Bro is obsessed with rapey yaoi, I have no room to judge but I ain't gonna put someone down just to keep their mouth shut when they're telling the truth but what's even more concerning is that they are stuck in... HomosexualTranny

    Like sir

    HomosexualTranny September 13, 2024 7:18 am
    Ikr he can read his little pedo stories for all I care I’m just saying it’s weird and want other people to see my comment and think ok I should be aware of this because no doubt some people might have traum... UwU

    To them we're the "fake woke" they're bullying, grr so alpha of them

    UwU September 13, 2024 8:35 am
    Bro is obsessed with rapey yaoi, I have no room to judge but I ain't gonna put someone down just to keep their mouth shut when they're telling the truth but what's even more concerning is that they are stuck in... HomosexualTranny

    Ikr I’ve had this account for a long time and I swear I have read everything and I always leave my opinion on everything I read because that’s what a comment section is for. I don’t reply to comments I disagree with because it causes drama like what this dude did. Just unlike my comment no need to respond with your brain rot mind set. If your going to respond to me make it make sense because this is most definitely pedo shit and he just made my point even better with their replies.

    UwU September 13, 2024 8:36 am
    To them we're the "fake woke" they're bullying, grr so alpha of them HomosexualTranny

    Bahahahaha lmao

    UwU September 13, 2024 8:39 am
    To them we're the "fake woke" they're bullying, grr so alpha of them HomosexualTranny

    Like the story is ok it’s just that the author or whoever writes this didn’t have to add that stupid detail like the Uke could of saved him when he was an adult not when he was a child and raised him. I think the story is interesting but it could have been produced a lot better and they could have changed the story so it wasn’t weird because I was enjoying it up u til that point.

    UwU September 13, 2024 8:40 am
    Like the story is ok it’s just that the author or whoever writes this didn’t have to add that stupid detail like the Uke could of saved him when he was an adult not when he was a child and raised him. I thi... UwU

    Up until that point*

    HomosexualTranny September 13, 2024 8:41 am
    Like the story is ok it’s just that the author or whoever writes this didn’t have to add that stupid detail like the Uke could of saved him when he was an adult not when he was a child and raised him. I thi... UwU

    I seen what you were going for but that Meru person just felt personally targeted for some reason... only ancient royalty bl knows..

    UwU September 13, 2024 8:48 am
    I seen what you were going for but that Meru person just felt personally targeted for some reason... only ancient royalty bl knows.. HomosexualTranny

    Yeah tbh it happens in a lot of bls. Idk cant ppl just give us normal stories for once. A lot of yaois has either rape, teacher x student, grooming, paedophilia, or all of the above and a lot more other crazy shit. It’s not just royalty Bl. But at the end of the day it’s just a fictional story and that some people are just fucked up in the head which is sad.

    HomosexualTranny September 13, 2024 8:52 am
    Yeah tbh it happens in a lot of bls. Idk cant ppl just give us normal stories for once. A lot of yaois has either rape, teacher x student, grooming, paedophilia, or all of the above and a lot more other crazy s... UwU

    I'm fvked up in the head but I know that it's not right and that there's not excuse for it, fictional or not weird is still weird and people should be able to comment that it's weird without weirdos trying to shut them down

    HomosexualTranny September 13, 2024 8:52 am
    I'm fvked up in the head☹ but I know that it's not right and that there's not excuse for it, fictional or not weird is still weird and people should be able to comment that it's weird without weirdos trying t... HomosexualTranny

    No, not "not" omg

    UwU September 13, 2024 8:55 am
    Yeah tbh it happens in a lot of bls. Idk cant ppl just give us normal stories for once. A lot of yaois has either rape, teacher x student, grooming, paedophilia, or all of the above and a lot more other crazy s... UwU

    Bruh and I love how that Moron person put in their bio and they changed it to target me and they say they been reading BL for 12 years and their account started 2020 and that new Bl readers ruining everything. Like bro that’s not a flex get a fucken life u don’t need to be reading this yaoi porn for so long go do something with your self instead of “bullying rats” on a fucken illegal website. This person genuinely needs help cuz that’s pathetic

    UwU September 13, 2024 8:58 am
    I'm fvked up in the head☹ but I know that it's not right and that there's not excuse for it, fictional or not weird is still weird and people should be able to comment that it's weird without weirdos trying t... HomosexualTranny

    Yeah lol like idc if u like this don’t have a go at me for what I’m saying and then proceed to spread misinformation about something I didn’t say. People like them would get a punch in the face irl if they ever said that