Slow paced for us maybe but this is all happening in one night. I understand the chief editor guy actually likes yujin but it still happened kinda out of nowhere, yes WE could see it coming from a mile away but it still just seemed a little odd. I know the chief editor had to deal with his own issues and shit, that’s why he pushed him away, but to me it seems like he had absolutely 0 interest in him then decided to confess. I just wish I could’ve seen more of the chief editors thoughts cause he’s coming off as pretty damn shallow to me.
Yujin isn’t the one I have a problem with, maybe a little but not as much as the CE , at least he’s skeptical.
That’s all :)
This just doesn’t feel right?!? Idk how to explain it. I’m not loving it, esp if they’re just gonna go fuck right after this.