I will STILL HATE ON THE FATHER dont care if he was brainwashed or not. The fact his disobediyens didnt work bc of depression and sadness idgf. And he left his daughter for a mere slut
Yeah I agree... Normally I'd understand brainwashing... but when he's that strong it really feels like just an excuse. Also... I've seen it be used so much in rofan to justify arseholery that it really feels meh...
Yeah I agree...Normally I'd understand brainwashing... but when he's that strong it really feels like just an excuse. Also... I've seen it be used so much in rofan to justify arseholery that it really feels meh... Nizze
I will STILL HATE ON THE FATHER dont care if he was brainwashed or not. The fact his disobediyens didnt work bc of depression and sadness idgf. And he left his daughter for a mere slut