Just started reading..

Drity Thoughts September 17, 2024 6:12 am

Ch. 18
They haven't even been together for 24 hours yet and they are already swooning for each other. Lol Just a few hours ago he wanted to kill her, then he got massively jealous that she wanted to give a gift to another guy... What were in those cucumber sandwiches??

Ayo... Stalker vibe much?? Sneaks in after father leave and asks "Where you at? Who you with?"

Ch. 34
The only one that wants this relationship at this point it's Max. They wouldn't even be together if the father and daughter never had the misunderstandings and communicated better! Also Max, you literal man-baby... Stop throwing a fit every time you don't get your way.

Ch. 38
Finally calling Max out for his BS. Took long enough. Thought she was going to be his doormat for the rest of the series. Lol

Ch. 79
It finally gets called out that Max was one that wanted the relationship in the first place!!! All these dang misunderstandings until it was too late!!! Do better Pops! haha Story is finally getting better. Juvelle is more assertive now but is still clueless to political/imperial side of things around her. Which I feel she should have been neck deep in at this point.
