Fucking evil son of a fucking bitch. His daughter could have died from being chronically i...

Hqhaikyuu September 10, 2024 3:40 am

Fucking evil son of a fucking bitch. His daughter could have died from being chronically ill, his could have been rapes, every nightmare could have happened to her as he cannot control her surroundings, and yet hee sent her knowing all that. It's now so miserable to realize that Satoko can never go back to her "home", peaceful and safe life she thought she had.

I'd rather her stay in the island and live her remaining days with her new-found friends and Shinpei. Fuck everyone else.

    mimi~ September 10, 2024 5:24 am

    not to mention he KNEW his wife tried having her killed and he said nothing to her but added MORE MOTIF to put his sickly daughter in danger?? dirty bastard