This is honestly gross. The ml is no better than his father who tried to buy Soorim as a s...

Witchery September 10, 2024 1:17 am

This is honestly gross. The ml is no better than his father who tried to buy Soorim as a sex slave. He knows that Soorim is emotionally vulnerable, traumatized, and has been groomed for many years, so he takes advantage by dangling his mother in front of him to get him to offer up sex (the only thing he has to offer), and consistently pressures him for more than he is comfortable with during the encounter.
He’s essentially just knowingly taking advantage of all the abuse, brainwashing, and grooming his captors inflicted on Soorim to get him to sleep with him, all while pretending that he’s somehow better than the human traffickers.
He made an offer to find the only person Soorim ever loved after he has been a captive since childhood (and even now) knowing full well that the only thing he could possibly have to offer is sex.
Just disgusting. What makes it even more disturbing is that he knows that Soorim has been manipulated and is emotionally/psychologically stunted due to trauma. He understands how vulnerable and damaged Soorim is and proceeded to use it to his advantage almost immediately.

    kyrlaieeeX September 21, 2024 3:54 am


    Okie September 21, 2024 10:25 am

    Did you read ch 11? This is the exact opposite of the plot.

    Dnghkq_ September 21, 2024 1:17 pm

    As much as I would totally agree if this was literally any other character. Soorim is the one that is trying to get ml to sleep w him, literally demanding, not even begging. And you saw how Soorim prevented getting sexually involved with his captors, he even said it himself that he never had sex before. When his captor did get close, he fucking stabbed him lmfao. Dudes a badass even when he first got kidnapped by the ml, if he saw the ml was taking advantage of him bro would most definitely retaliate and make sure ml regrets it. Saying the ml is taking advantage of Soorim is basically denying How strong and capable Soorim is. Even if bros kinda dumb. But I also agree with a lot of what you said

    Witchery September 21, 2024 1:44 pm

    I am aware that Soorim is pursuing him and has made several overtures, but my problem is how the ml went about it. There wasn’t any flirting or giving in to Soorim’s offer. It was very deliberate and manipulative. He’s just trying to put all the responsibility on Soorim for offering even though he corralled the situation in such a way that it was clear he was trying to elicit sexual favors. Soorim has been imprisoned for almost ten years since childhood and he still is, just in a nicer cage, so dangling any freedom, rewards, or reunifications is incredible manipulative and would likely result in a desperate offer.

    I am not denying that Soorim is a consenting adult who has defended himself against unwanted advances, but my issue is that the ml has stated that he knows how psychologically vulnerable he is, and still chose to leverage finding his mother to get him to make a sexual offer. He is technically holding Soorim against his will. Soorim cannot leave if he wants to, and if you make a vague offer in exchange for undecided compensation to someone who you know has no money, possessions, education, marketable skills, or valuable information and refuse future monetary compensation it’s pretty obvious what you’re angling for.

    This is only tolerable because Soorim had already tried to come onto him, but the situation would have put a lot of pressure on him to sleep with the ml even if he didn’t want to so he could find the only person who has ever loved and protected him. Another issue I have is that ml has no idea whether she’s dead or alive, or somewhere they could get her, but still made the deal as if he would definitely be able to bring her to Soorim, which again, is not necessarily sociopathic, but speaks to a lack of care and manipulation.

    Dnghkq_ September 21, 2024 1:53 pm
    I am aware that Soorim is pursuing him and has made several overtures, but my problem is how the ml went about it. There wasn’t any flirting or giving in to Soorim’s offer. It was very deliberate and manipu... Witchery

    Yeah, thats what I agreed with, I think the ml should've been able to hold off on mc's advances due to what the mc went through, it was really disappointing how easy it was for him to basically lose control. And it was weird to use his mother to make him stay, no matter the reason for why he has to. I mostly think he should just tell Soorim why he's holding him against his will, because from the backstory and how hostile he is against his father it seems like it's not just pure greed and shit. And I mean, ml seemed to be raised by his dad.... I wouldn't be surprised if he inherited some of his.."traits". I think most of the problems stem from a lack of transparency from the ml.

    Witchery September 21, 2024 2:10 pm

    Yes, he apparently considers mc mature and stable enough to consent to sexual encounters, but not to know the truth about why he has been, and still is imprisoned, the nature of his body, and why he needs to be “protected”. I think it’s just laziness. Ml just doesn’t want to go through the trouble of having these unpleasant, complicated conversation, and as long as Soorim is in the dark, he doesn’t know enough to make informed decisions that may be counter to what ml wants. I just think it’s very toxic, the way the only thing mc is somehow qualified to decide is to sleep with the ml, while he is deliberately kept ignorant of everything else and not consulted in the most basic discussions/decisions about his life. They don’t want him doing this or that because he doesn’t know anything and hasn’t recovered from the trauma of imprisonment, but they’re all just excuses to disrespect his autonomy because ml had no problem soliciting and receiving quid pro quo sexual favors from that same person