Manhwa name

Catto September 9, 2024 5:50 pm

Hi guys.. can u help me find the name of this manhwa .. it is probably the first manhwa I have ever read 3 yrs ago.

It is a straight, modern, supernatural one. The MC is a girl and she finds an apartment to stay. Previously many people left the apartment ig because of some strange incidents of a ghost appearing. The MC risked to stay because it was cheap.
I don't remember if she has a pet or not but somehow i could remember some pet with her or something visiting her from another dimension.
One day she finds a guy in the mirror and later he appears more vividly. The reason was the overlapping of dimensions. It has a green colour theme (like sparkles and all).
It comes to a point where there's complete overlap of the dimensions and both MC and ML stay together and become fond of each other. But they can't touch eachother skin to skin due to some reason (i forgot)
But one day, there comes a proposal to restore the dimension from the supernatural being and they are sent to other worlds and all to achieve something...?ig? And in the end both the MC and ML will be sent to their opposite dimensions for few years. The MC meets ML's brother in his dimension. The ML was a famous Pop star in his dimension but in MC's dimension nobody knows him.
Later somehow the MC works hard and returns to her dimension as a Tarot card reader or someone like that.

The MC has lilac hair colour and the ML has green eyes (ig). So i pretty much remember the story but not the title. Please share the title if u guys have any idea

    Maine September 9, 2024 6:08 pm

    Freaking romance

    Yurikabedon September 9, 2024 6:22 pm

    Freaking romance its free on webtoon

    Catto September 10, 2024 9:05 am

    Thank u !!!! ┗( T﹏T )┛