Patiently waiting for the manhwa return

rustic September 9, 2024 4:00 pm

I’ve seen loads of people wish for hesita to let go of her revenge but I think it’s fun to see the drama unfold. And besides, it’s not like cael (the best ml of all time) isn’t clearly taking it upon himself to make moves on her. LET HIM COOK!
Also, Technically she is the only one who has experienced the life where cael kills himself after being abandoned by the two people he thought dear to him. Their actions were cruel and selfish. They’re quick to discard cael for his “mistakes” (which was just for their sake mind you) but when they’re the ones in the wrong, they try to look for loopholes. It’s a bit hypocritical if you ask me. So, she brings it upon herself to act out justice for the pool cael who lost his life for the two most selfish friends he had. They come and go in his life as they please and cael wouldn’t blame them for abandoning him even if what he did was for them. Hence why our girl comes in to do it for him.

And lastly, She considers herself a fan and this is only a novel she’s read. They’re all characters to her and even she herself is a character in that story. Cael is her bias, someone she worships and fangirls over. Hence why she has a hard time accepting this new development where cael is growing affection for her. It’s unrealistic for her. Especially now during the time where she has no knowledge of what unfolds. She’s worried about cael in case he still loves diana since he’s just written that way in the novel. But she will learn that he’s so devoted to her that he couldn’t care less about miss pinkie pie
