Frustrated with the state of the fandom lol

Bibi September 9, 2024 3:55 pm

Gonna be as vague as possible as I don't want to spoil anyone too much on newest chapters.

But its really hard not to be annoyed at the reading comprehension of the current fan base, especially when it wasn't like this when lost in the cloud first started releasing chapters. The sheer amount of people babying cirrus and villainizing skylar is insane. (Or vice versa, but I see it a lot more often as the former)

Skylar and and Cirrus are opposites. Cirrus has an extremely anxious attachment style, needs physical affection/reassurance 24/7, and is very jealous/possessive.

Skylar has an avoidant attachment style. He's closed off and sparse with affection/physical contact. He bottles everything up, and becomes angry/lashes out when anyone attempts to peek over the walls he's built.

One is not worse than the other, until they heal they will continue to do nothing but make each other anxious/worsen each others mental health. Just because you personally relate more to Cirrus doesn't make Skylar evil (and vice versa). These are two 18yo boys that have been abused, THAT is what lost in the cloud is about. Trauma and how it warps people/damages relationships. If you aren't mature enough to handle those themes, stop reading.

(As a side note its especially frustrating to see non-queer people's "opinions" on skylars fear/trauma in regards to his sexuality. Trust, you don't know what you're talking about lol.)

    Rainbow September 9, 2024 6:41 pm

    I can't agree more!!

    ChickenButt September 10, 2024 12:25 am

    Thank you pretty!
    And you’re so right about Sky being emotionally closed off at times, and the fact that Cirrus is so emotionally dependent on Skylar is very concerning.

    TylerDurden September 10, 2024 2:31 am

    I'd like to scream this comment out loud multiple times and put it on a giant billboard in a bright, red font.

    Cher loves cats September 11, 2024 10:21 pm

    i disagree with "One is not worse than the other" in the relationship skylar is not even afraid to communicate, he set his boundaries and cirrus constantly ignore that though later he apologize. again in their relationship, the problem they had, who started it? cirrus. all the time. there, he's worse. You can re read it again if you disagree with me though, paskim didnt put manipulative tag special for cirrus for nothing, that's him and he's written that way

    bzuku September 13, 2024 1:42 pm
    i disagree with "One is not worse than the other" in the relationship skylar is not even afraid to communicate, he set his boundaries and cirrus constantly ignore that though later he apologize. again in their ... Cher loves cats

    yup i agree with both you and the OP

    ChickenButt September 13, 2024 2:33 pm
    i disagree with "One is not worse than the other" in the relationship skylar is not even afraid to communicate, he set his boundaries and cirrus constantly ignore that though later he apologize. again in their ... Cher loves cats

    The day Sky opens up is the day I feel like Cirrus would be feeling so guilty. I’m referring to the hallway fight where he unintentionally triggered Sky’s trauma, thinking Sky was thinking about another guy from his middle school as a good thing.

    The latest chapters…heavy on my heart. I can only hope for a good communication:/talk. Cirrus had the chance to come clear but he’s too insecure.

    bzuku September 14, 2024 2:40 am
    The day Sky opens up is the day I feel like Cirrus would be feeling so guilty. I’m referring to the hallway fight where he unintentionally triggered Sky’s trauma, thinking Sky was thinking about another guy... ChickenButt

    omg yes

    Cher loves cats September 14, 2024 9:19 am
    omg yes bzuku

    I cant reply to chicken butt probably bc she blocked me for always having the same opinion when i put the blame to cirrus more because he's the initiator and sky is the reactor so i put blame more to a person who started ... even though i will admit that people see skylar reaction as "too much" and "over reacting and being dramatic" but he always do "bad" things after people are the one who keeps bothering him even though he gave plenty of warning before he explode.

    in that chapter Cirrus knows that is a bad experience for skylar bc sky slashed the pic with A KNIFE. i aint no way he thinks that as a good thing not to mention cirrus was saying "i want to be both good and worse for you" to skylar. he's not dense, he keeps on trying to bait skylar into opening up about what happens in his past.

    Cirrus wold feel guilty sure, but he's the obsessive type he prob felt high over heels knowing the fact that the relationship with minwoo FAILED lol, this is someone who laughed seeing Skylar cried heartbrokenly bc of unrequited love with chan-il.