Unintentional love story
Shining summer
Between the stars
Tell me you can hear it
.Look at Me (Tansan) (kinda mid)
Contracts in bed
Pink heart jam
Beauty and the Brawn ( it's hilarious )
Tell Us How You Really Feel, Demon Prince!
BL motel
Koishite kissshite kanjaitai
Iki o Tomete, Ugokanai de
Player <3 Player
Mr. A & Mr. B
Secretary to stage
Neighbor's Rice Cake.
Muhyeok and Naui: My Irresistible Neighbor

Hear me out on 'save me gently' pookie, its in my list: https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/2878306/
I want those "I WANT WHAT THEY HAVE" kind of BLs with a little bit of JEALOUSY AND POSSESSIVENESS here and there but not too much drama. EASY READ BL for me before my midterms, I need some inspiration and the cute ones will do it