Need help finding this BL Manga Comic Strips

untitled September 9, 2024 1:49 pm

Hello! I need some help finding this BL Manga Comic Strips. This BL Manga Comic Strips are a collection of short stories about a gay couple (only this couple), and the collection of stories is very wholesome

The collection of short stories has this wholesome, slice-of-life vibe, which include stories about the daily life of a gay couple, from when they are dating to when they pass away due to old age.

The gay couple includes a hot-tempered, really grumpy uke with dark hair, while the other person (seme) is always joyful and optimistic. The manga comic stories about them are mostly short, might have even been four-panel manga comic stories, but I'm not really too sure.

There are two (set of) stories that I remember within the collection of stories.

For the first story, the story include a suggestive sex scene/set of panels that let readers know that the person with dark hair is the uke.

For the second (set of) story, there are scenes that show the couple when they become old. There are some comic frames that include the room they often sit with a view towards the garden, and as first, both the couple, now old, sit in the room. As one of them pass away due to old age first, the remaining person sit lonely in the room. And then, as the second person also pass away, the room becomes completely empty.

I have tried to find this set of BL manga comic strips before but was not able to find the this BL manga comic strip collection, so any help is greatly appreciated, thank you so much ^^!

    untitled September 9, 2024 6:31 pm
    When you say manga comic strip, do you mean a b&w 4-koma or a Japanese coloured manga? Some possibilities: Chubbub ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

    Hello! Sorry, the BL manga comic strips I'm finding is not in your list :,(

    I remember that each of the BL manga comic stories in the whole complitation is really short, and there were quite a lot short stories compressed into one whole collection that tells the stories from when the gay couple is dating to when they pass away, so the stories are likely not to be in a chapter-based format. And most of the stories are just about really random funny daily events/activities/situations in their life.

    If anything, the complitation reminds me of pixiv/twitter based manga comics, but this is not definite as I only remembered that I read this story online quite long ago and I can not remember the site

    Also not too sure about the b&w 4-coma or colour comic, but the whole complitation is really short, like a really fast 10-minutes read for the whole complitation. I remembered that the story was mentioned on social media quite some time ago, but that's as much as I remember. Still, thank you so much for your help ^^

    untitled September 9, 2024 6:54 pm
    When you say manga comic strip, do you mean a b&w 4-koma or a Japanese coloured manga? Some possibilities: Chubbub ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

    For me, the story that is the most similar to the BL manga comic strips I'm finding would be Beards, Bells and Bubble (like scarily similar, but some details between the two are different).

    They both have complitations of stories of daily life of the main couple in their respective stories, quite similar format of stories told in just a few panels (however, I think the stories in the BL comic strips I'm finding are much shorter and more compressed, and I'm not sure if the stories I'm finding is B&W or colour). And they both even have a suggestive sex scene that shows who is the uke in the relationship. The main difference is that the story complitation I'm finding tells the stories about the couple until they die of old age, while Beards, Bells and Bubbles only tell stories of the main couple in the respective story during a short period of time.

    Chubbub ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ September 9, 2024 7:44 pm
    For me, the story that is the most similar to the BL manga comic strips I'm finding would be Beards, Bells and Bubble (like scarily similar, but some details between the two are different). They both have compl... untitled

    And it’s definitely not Itooshiki Hibi ?

    untitled September 10, 2024 7:04 am
    There is also this and Chubbub ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

    No, the stories I'm finding are not in the whole list :,(

    The BL comic strips I'm finding are more joyful, and goofy also. They are also not as long, and they don't really have the long chapters format (they are more similar to Beards, Bells and Bubbles in terms of both story arrangements and storytelling than the other stories). If anything, the stories I'm finding felt a bit more like digital BL manga comic strips on platforms like Pixiv/Twitter (not definite tho, just the vibe and story arrangements remind me of Pixiv/Twitter manga comic strips).