I hope to see what she does with her father, i dont want her to stay with them, she has a ...

IWalkedWithYouOnceUponADream September 9, 2024 11:47 am

I hope to see what she does with her father, i dont want her to stay with them, she has a lot of love still for the people who harmed her, it's understandable, you dont just suddenly hate your parents, that's how all abuse victims are, especilly at first, for some it takes decades of hard work to understand it isnt their fault they were tortured by their own family, the ones who were supposed to love them. So i get it. It's just long since a manga comes out with a chapter once a month, it's only the 15th, we're not that far yet, just take your time and appreciate the stories you read, it isnt worth it to just skim along each one, or you wont remember what you read,
