I'll let the second couple marinate for a while, let's see if it gets better in a really g...

MilkTeaAddict September 9, 2024 9:38 am

I'll let the second couple marinate for a while, let's see if it gets better in a really good way. I like the first couple very much. What ticks me off is that ML from 1st couple felt completely OOC in the second story. It's like he's a completely different person I guess age makes you change as a person...

    LemonPyong September 10, 2024 11:49 am

    Honestly it doesn’t.
    The Seme doesn’t have a satisfying redemption arc.
    He just suddenly turned all soft and bubbly and it was stupid
    That’s what happened in the novel.
    No redemption arc can suffice. Un less the Seme goes through everything that the Uke has gone through.
    Then I would consider.

    MilkTeaAddict September 10, 2024 1:42 pm

    That's a bummer :( I'll be dropping the 2nd story bcs I'm no good with angst that has no satisfying redemption arc :((((