Im on ch 31

winter September 9, 2024 9:07 am

Me personally this is the first time i dont like an ml in these types of stories
And i think it’s because manz is slow
Cause its like to me if u want to get close to your wife have ur wife treat u like a husband
I think my first thing i would try to clear up is that assumption that my wife has of me that i am a womanizer
YOU coming to her talking about “offer me something only a women can offer” and not expect her to think that u just want her for her body AFTER SHE ALREADY THINKS OF U AS A WOMANIZER is crazy to me
That alone lost me cause its like why would u even say that to her??? And liu expect her to be unstiff with u and thats what u choose to say ?? For the repayment?? Sir how dumb are u
