I’m bout to CRASH TF OUTT…if I don’t get more chapters and she doesn’t become the ...

Jaybaby September 9, 2024 5:44 am

I’m bout to CRASH TF OUTT…if I don’t get more chapters and she doesn’t become the happiest woman on earth, when I get them…you’ll feel my wrath. Author, I will be sure to find you.

    AnnaE66 September 10, 2024 3:14 am

    OMG this is am amazing response to this series... such intensity and passion... "One way or another, I'm gonna find you, I'm gonna- get you, get you, get you, get you.... One way or another, I'm gonna make you, write the perfect script..."

    I am wanting the shitty red hair dude to get the greatest and most emotionally scarring pain (maybe even physically as well... might be too easy) and I hope ot is not drawn out floundering on the FL part of her maybe considering getting back with her divorcée husband... I can accept maybe that she might struggle with wanting to move out of the situation financially as she doesn't know where to fully make ends meet to deal with the crippling debt that her shitty ex-husband has put her into and forced her into indentureship to pay off the debt... May she see the light and get out of it asap and not think she can savage this shitty marriage. He clearly is not longer viewing her as a person to give respect and far less love like he once did (if he really did). Hopefully she gets it that her ex-husband only sees her as a maid and that she eventually will maybe see this creepy guy (that she doesn't know is creepy) as a fresh and new partner (only for the Manga story - in real life she should get with neither man) [N.B. clearly I also want this story to go the route of FL will eventually become the happiest woman on earth and I too will be triggered to hunt down the author] *cue plot of Misery*

    Jaybaby September 10, 2024 10:32 am
    OMG this is am amazing response to this series... such intensity and passion... "One way or another, I'm gonna find you, I'm gonna- get you, get you, get you, get you.... One way or another, I'm gonna make you,... AnnaE66

    LMFAO THIS WHOLE ESSAY IS SO REAL. I NEED THAT MAN HURT TO THE BONEEE. Literally give him no mercy, it’s what he deserves. And I agree with the irl part. I can imagine how scary that is. You have a terrible husband that doesn’t give a shit about you, but a handsome man comes out of nowhere deceive’s and stalks you. He’s lowkey bat shit crazy and wants to avenge for you. The man doesn’t even KNOW you….i would begin to wonder what atrocities have I committed in my past life, to be cursed with terrible men and misfortune

    AnnaE66 September 11, 2024 12:01 am
    LMFAO THIS WHOLE ESSAY IS SO REAL. I NEED THAT MAN HURT TO THE BONEEE. Literally give him no mercy, it’s what he deserves. And I agree with the irl part. I can imagine how scary that is. You have a terrible h... Jaybaby

    Oh for sure I would be trying to get away from everyone irl and probably start a new life if it is possible. I agree with the karma of my past life as well.
    Thanks for the nice comment, I was inspired by your comment