Isn't it granted to have an awful experience at the dmv?

They tend to be pretty crabby yes. I tried being as nice as possible but it doesn't work on them. So next time I will be an annoying asshole.

Depends on the DMV. Within the same state I've been to multiple DMV locations and had very different experiences. One location I went to and they were great to me (tag renewal problem) other people have had a horrible time at. The worst was the time I spent hours wrangling with the DMV (different location) about replacing a lost license.

the only good thing I can say about theDMV where I live is that they have a shortened line for ppl with disabilities so I can get over it as fast as possible. Still takes at least an hour and the attandents all look like they just can't wait for the shift to be over. (and yes - I'm using the "perks" of being stuck in a wheelchair, whoever has complaints can switch with me, I'll take it ANY day)
Has anyone had a terrible experience at a dmv?