shota yaoi recs?

shushu September 9, 2024 2:47 am

anyone have shota recs where the kid has a chubby body idk how to explain this but like the fanart u see on twt. little more fat on the belly, thick thighs, full cheeks etc.

edit: fiction is not the same as reality there are actual children out there that suffer from pedophilia and yall are watering that down by comparing it to a drawing. there is no known correlation between liking shota fiction and pedophilia. also im underage so good thing i dont fit the criteria to be a pedophile stay mad :3 im gonna keep enjoying my cute shota boys and theres nothing u can do about it

    Wanda September 9, 2024 2:22 am
    it doesnt. would you say that people who enjoy reading thrillers are murderers? shushu

    There's a difference between watching a thriller movie for the sake of the thrill it gives u and consuming media that sexualize children's bodies. Trying to justify enjoying pedophila is crazy

    Cool Lime September 9, 2024 2:23 am

    You can check here ig

    shushu September 9, 2024 2:25 am
    You can check here ig Cool Lime

    i already checked that tag but most of them i dont consider shota. still thank u

    shushu September 9, 2024 2:26 am
    There's a difference between watching a thriller movie for the sake of the thrill it gives u and consuming media that sexualize children's bodies. Trying to justify enjoying pedophila is crazy Wanda

    again. fictional children. keyword fictional. ur missing a major detail here. they do not exist. ur mad over drawings

    Gummy_bear September 9, 2024 2:26 am
    fictional boys who are not real. literally ink on a screen. but i suppose u care more about drawings than real children because this doesn't affect anyone lmfao shushu

    No, I care about real children, because there are children who could read shota or loli and grow up to think that it’s ok for and adult and a child to get together when it’s not. And that “ink on a screen” is depicting a child being with an adult which is illegal, gross, and really fucking wrong

    AquaNIghts September 9, 2024 2:30 am
    Genuinely ew. You’re disgusting Cruchy_rollers

    Honestly, it is fine to like shota/loli; it is viewed as "normal."

    However, if you like the sexuliztion of the foregoing, then is where the line should be drawn; it is a contentious subject. I don't like any of the aforementioned.

    Gummy_bear September 9, 2024 2:30 am
    again. fictional children. keyword fictional. ur missing a major detail here. they do not exist. ur mad over drawings shushu

    You’re missing a major detail, fictional or not, depicting little children in a sexualized manor is wrong, and really no different than actual cp

    AquaNIghts September 9, 2024 2:31 am

    Shota "can be " viewed as just harmless and cute

    Gummy_bear September 9, 2024 2:31 am
    Honestly, it is fine to like shota/loli; it is viewed as "normal." However, if you like the sexuliztion of the foregoing, then is where the line should be drawn; it is a contentious subject. I don't like any ... AquaNIghts

    Um, I’m not sure what you’re trying to say exactly but it’s very incorrect

    Gummy_bear September 9, 2024 2:33 am

    Just cause you’re underaged does not make this ok. You're weird and gross. Please seek help!

    AquaNIghts September 9, 2024 2:33 am


    Gummy_bear September 9, 2024 2:34 am
    Shota "can be " viewed as just harmless and cute AquaNIghts

    The sexualization of children is not “harmless” or “cute”

    Wanda September 9, 2024 2:37 am
    again. fictional children. keyword fictional. ur missing a major detail here. they do not exist. ur mad over drawings shushu

    That doesn't matter tho? They still sexualize child bodies what even is ur point here? Those "drawings" still have bodies of a child and they engage in sexual acts of adults.
    Anyways u won't be able to find what ur looking for on this site bc mangago took down every actual shota mangas like a year ago. Even an illegal site with porn media still has better sense than weirdos like u

    AquaNIghts September 9, 2024 2:39 am

    I think there is a misconception about "shota" not all shota depicts explicit content of a child/cp . some are cutesy . and harmless / no romance .

    but i genuinely do believe that if u enjoy the bad side of "shota" then u need to seek help , is what i am implying .

    shushu September 9, 2024 2:40 am
    That doesn't matter tho? They still sexualize child bodies what even is ur point here? Those "drawings" still have bodies of a child and they engage in sexual acts of adults.Anyways u won't be able to find what... Wanda

    u think im not aware of that? thats the whole point and thats exactly why people enjoy this particular genre. if something is taboo it becomes a common trope in yaoi and theres many other problematic subgenres like incest but at the end of the day it doesnt matter because its just a fictional sex fantasy. people get off on that.

    AquaNIghts September 9, 2024 2:41 am
    u think im not aware of that? thats the whole point and thats exactly why people enjoy this particular genre. if something is taboo it becomes a common trope in yaoi and theres many other problematic subgenres ... shushu

    okay yeah i believe something is wrong with u.

    Wanda September 9, 2024 2:42 am
    u think im not aware of that? thats the whole point and thats exactly why people enjoy this particular genre. if something is taboo it becomes a common trope in yaoi and theres many other problematic subgenres ... shushu

    Bro literally just admitted to enjoying child porn EWWW ok bro just go take a shower I'm just disgusted by u. I don't even wanna argue anymore

    shushu September 9, 2024 2:43 am
    I think there is a misconception about "shota" not all shota depicts explicit content of a child/cp . some are cutesy . and harmless / no romance . but i genuinely do believe that if u enjoy the bad side of ... AquaNIghts

    there is no good/bad side about shota u either like it or u don't because its the entire thing is a problematic genre on its own but me and many other ppl are aware enough to separate fiction from reality. if you think you're one shota yaoi manga away from touching a real kid thats on u

    Cruchy_rollers September 9, 2024 2:44 am
    I think there is a misconception about "shota" not all shota depicts explicit content of a child/cp . some are cutesy . and harmless / no romance . but i genuinely do believe that if u enjoy the bad side of ... AquaNIghts

    Shota is the sexualization of little boys. That’s it. Not trying to argue just trying to let you know cause that’s literally all shota is

    shushu September 9, 2024 2:45 am
    Bro literally just admitted to enjoying child porn EWWW ok bro just go take a shower I'm just disgusted by u. I don't even wanna argue anymore Wanda

    again shota doesn't mean cp but whatever helps u sleep at night. I'm not gonna keep arguing with someone who freaks out over fictional characters