
Exactly, I'm an introvert too. Leo it the type of guy the you need to talk clearly and directly, but JJ didn't do that bc he keep too much that even his expression are hidden, so it's basically impossible to know what's he is going through. So I as introverts that keep things from the others I don't let me get mad at the others for things I didn't express, I only let myself get mad at them is when I talked about it to them, bc it's unfair for the others if I get mad at them and slash on then for things they even don't know about.
Leo would be freaking exhausting to date. He is very comfortable around other people, is immensely dense and can't read the read, has his whole lucky sex thing going on, doesn't express how he sees the relationship and used to treat his partner somewhat like sex buddies.....
In this case I can't freaking blame someone when his partner has at no point tried to express his disappointment. if leo was told to stop by JJ and did it any way he would be the AH in this relationship. But JJ stayed completely silent and tolerated it soo much to the point he broke. As dense as Leo is he should have communicated with him for him to know what he did wrong. I say this as I am way more similar to JJ than Leo but to me JJ is the most wrong here. I antisocial, tend to get taken advantage off, am introverted, tend to say silent and tolerated things untill I just can't and I have to express my discomfort and dissatisfaction. Those that brush my concerns under the rug, get cut off.
But i just can't get past how JJ never once expressed his concerns and instead is being a complete dick to leo. Once again I could never date someone like Leo, how he was in the relationship would be a big red flag for m. He would seem like a dick and exhausting to be with but if the person he is dating won't express what he doesn't like, he can't expect leo to read his mind. Sooooo yeah. I see the break up as childish on JJs part cause there was no communication. I cut people of my life and ghost them too but not after trying to express my dislikes. If they dont dont they dont know right.
AND NOW JJ is the biggest dick ever. He should have left Leo be if he was cutting him off. He is trying to hurt him and all I hope is for leo to just back of and try to rebuild his life and look for someone new who will actually communicate. Leo is insanely dense and if you dont want to put in the work to talk to him you cant expect him to put in the work to change.