The aunt??

KrispyFlowers September 8, 2024 7:18 pm

Bro the aunt is so condescending ngl, when the commander came to talk about the serious issue, she doesn't bat an eye about the matter and just fangirls about him, like ugh, there's a different time and place to do that. She feels pretty superficial to me, like the "this is just a game" cliche, and what I dislike most is when she's really bias towards her memories of the game.

    KrispyFlowers September 8, 2024 7:23 pm

    Also, it's laughable(and funny) that ml would freak over the fact mc wouldn't marry him and saw that she was with another guy, she doesn't owe him shit
    Like imagine turning into the edgy demon king because you got rejected by the girl you liked?? Thats so middle schooler core

    eiraeiras December 7, 2024 4:10 pm
    Also, it's laughable(and funny) that ml would freak over the fact mc wouldn't marry him and saw that she was with another guy, she doesn't owe him shitLike imagine turning into the edgy demon king because you g... KrispyFlowers

    bro why are you looking so deep into it, just shut up and enjoy a light reading

    KrispyFlowers December 7, 2024 10:08 pm
    bro why are you looking so deep into it, just shut up and enjoy a light reading eiraeiras

    Because it's my commenstay? In a comment section? Where I share my opinion?? How about you skip my comment if you're not even gonna add something on (like if you agree/disagree) about what i think. You didn't have to read my commentary and there was no need for you to reply to it if you're just going to tell me to stfu.

    Ayakashi Amori February 27, 2025 9:16 pm
    Because it's my commenstay? In a comment section? Where I share my opinion?? How about you skip my comment if you're not even gonna add something on (like if you agree/disagree) about what i think. You didn't h... KrispyFlowers

    You're getting so overheated over something like that? Chill out life is too short for that

    Tall cheesy fries February 27, 2025 10:58 pm

    Don't listen to them, comment as much as you want, free will is free and so is scrolling/ignoring

    Potato February 27, 2025 11:35 pm

    The whole point of stories is to get drawn in. That's every authors hope when they write them. Ignore the idiots who don't understand the purpose of a comment section. Be as "pressed" as you want.

    Ayakashi Amori February 28, 2025 8:12 am

    Nah I'm telling you, getting so much negative energy from something so trivial is not worth it. We should be putting our energy only into things that makes us happy it's much healthier that way

    KrispyFlowers February 28, 2025 9:14 am
    You're getting so overheated over something like that? Chill out life is too short for that Ayakashi Amori

    It's like you skipped over everything I said in that comment. (AND THIS WAS WRITTEN A YEAR AGO, WHY BOTHER REMINDING ME OF THIS IF UR GONNA ADD NOTHING TO THE CONVO??) Life is too short, so I will use that time to get overheated on everything that bothers me, just because something seems small to you, doesn't mean it'll be a small thing to me.
    And not everything has to be positive, sometimes you need to put your energy on bad things whether you like it or not. This is not trivial to me, I'm passionate about reading shitty stories and leaving bad reviews

    KashLyn February 28, 2025 10:05 am
    It's like you skipped over everything I said in that comment. (AND THIS WAS WRITTEN A YEAR AGO, WHY BOTHER REMINDING ME OF THIS IF UR GONNA ADD NOTHING TO THE CONVO??) Life is too short, so I will use that time... KrispyFlowers

    Your last sentence freaking made my day (≧▽≦) lololol

    Ayakashi Amori February 28, 2025 12:18 pm
    It's like you skipped over everything I said in that comment. (AND THIS WAS WRITTEN A YEAR AGO, WHY BOTHER REMINDING ME OF THIS IF UR GONNA ADD NOTHING TO THE CONVO??) Life is too short, so I will use that time... KrispyFlowers

    It wasn't written a year ago, but in the last callendary year and that's different, but like seriously you are getting overheated over nothing, I wasn't talking about your first comment but about your reaction for someone else response, you don't have to be so mad over others people responses, you don't even know people in the comment section, so why are you getting so mad and frustrated over something that literally doesn't matter? "Sometimes you need to put your energy on bad things"? Just because something is bad doesn't mean your energy about it also need to be bad, and my personal advice for you is to learn to distinguish between things that 1. "are important and need to be done now" 2. "Are important don't need to be done now" 3. "Aren't important and need to be done" 4. "Aren't important and don't need to be now" Maybe than you don't waste your energy on being mad over little things

    KrispyFlowers February 28, 2025 10:25 pm
    It wasn't written a year ago, but in the last callendary year and that's different, but like seriously you are getting overheated over nothing, I wasn't talking about your first comment but about your reaction ... Ayakashi Amori

    And what's wrong with defending myself with the same energy they gave me?? Like i said before, this is my opinion and I'm not going to let them shit on it without them giving me theirs.
    Who are you to tell me what to do or how I should feel about someone telling me to shut up??
    (REREAD "it may seem like a small problem to you, but that doesn't mean it'll be a small problem to me" ITS A PROBLEM TO ME, SO WHY ARE YOU GETTING INTO IT AND TELLING ME NOT TO OVERREACT?? sure if it were you, you would ignore it, but it's me, not you, Im gonna speak up about HOW I FEEL)
    I have the right to defend myself, and who the fuck cares if my energy is mean back?? THAT'S THE POINT!! and i don't need your advice, I have different ideals and standards i go by, I do things in the heat of the moment and soon cool off when I forget about it. Literally being mad at something is normal, i dont need to live up to your standards in these comments just because I'm "too overdramatic, overheated, mad, and sensitive" and that BOTHERS YOU WHEN YOU COULD JUST HAVE IGNORED MY COMMENTS!?? like GOD FORBID PEOPLE BECOME EMOTIONAL!!

    Ayakashi Amori February 28, 2025 11:13 pm
    And what's wrong with defending myself with the same energy they gave me?? Like i said before, this is my opinion and I'm not going to let them shit on it without them giving me theirs.Who are you to tell me wh... KrispyFlowers

    Lol, just as I said chill out, I can sense all from over hear, that you aren't a pleasant person to be around ever heard about a stress relief squishy? You could use some ( ̄∇ ̄")
    And when you chill a little than maybe you will get my message, like you don't need to care about my opinion because we are as stranger to each as strangers goes. And I can see you have so much growing up ahead of you since you continue to fuel my amusement by humoring me with your heated up responses (⌒▽⌒)

    KrispyFlowers March 2, 2025 4:39 pm
    Lol, just as I said chill out, I can sense all from over hear, that you aren't a pleasant person to be around ever heard about a stress relief squishy? You could use some ( ̄∇ ̄")And when you chill a little... Ayakashi Amori

    There you go again, skipping everything i said diminishing everything just so you could have the last word smh

    Ayakashi Amori March 2, 2025 6:02 pm
    There you go again, skipping everything i said diminishing everything just so you could have the last word smh KrispyFlowers

    Lol but it's working isn't it? You alredy calmed down