
Haha But really tho this is a korean webtoon. And a lot of boys are these tall and skinny in korea. It’s normal for the boys to weight around 50kg - 57kg. Except for those boys who go to the gym. But in the case of the drawing you’re right they draw them in an unrealistic proportion. I mean the ML’s bodies are also drawn unrealistically either. Lol.
I hate twinks so much bro. Like, anatomically it's legit disgusting. They look like the alien on romulus, like tf... And these shit webtoon authors always make it seem as if these twinks are like peak human beauty or some shit. No it's not bro, your bitch look like it's half mantis, gtfo with that. It's also unhealthy to be that skinny, get some meat on those bones fucks sake.
Genuinely grotesque. The twink is like half worm, half mosquito or some shit. And his ass is soo gross???!!!! I gagged a little bit for real. Eye-bleaching view for real. Shit man. I don't get how anyone could be into that type of shit.
Even if the story is awesome, I CANNOT get into it if the uke is a twink. IT'S SO DISGUSTING BROOOO I DON'T GET IT, HOW DO PEOPLE NOT WANNE PUKE SEEING NAKED TWINKS???? I'm not even kidding, I always gag when I see naked twinks. And the amount of story in this website with bottom twinks is INSANE. Why are so many people into ukes that looks like a long larvae and has an ass like somebody's balls?? Why??? I just want to know why, I'm not joking.....