I love both of these two tremendously! BUT seonwoo overhyped sexuality it starting to get on my nerves just a tad bit. Like let the man do NORMAL stuff with you without having to attach sex at the end or just make things about sex. I would be refreshing to see them on the same page in that just once or for the rest of the webtoon.
just commenting this damn all he wants from that man is his body. jeong is all smiley and happy spending quality time with him and he didnt even look happy cause all he can think about is sex
I love both of these two tremendously! BUT seonwoo overhyped sexuality it starting to get on my nerves just a tad bit. Like let the man do NORMAL stuff with you without having to attach sex at the end or just make things about sex. I would be refreshing to see them on the same page in that just once or for the rest of the webtoon.