
Matsusan September 8, 2024 2:47 am

Anatomy is off, translation is off and their relationship is off

    Matthew Lee September 11, 2024 7:14 pm

    For someone who is reading this for free, on Top of that, on the illegal site, you sure have so much to talk.

    Must be nice to be a loser that don't even have a brain

    Matsusan September 11, 2024 11:58 pm
    For someone who is reading this for free, on Top of that, on the illegal site, you sure have so much to talk.Must be nice to be a loser that don't even have a brain Matthew Lee

    Lmao I don't get why yall think that just bc I'm reading it for free I don't get to have an opinion or dislike a piece of work. That's a chronically online way of thinking

    chocobuun September 18, 2024 12:56 pm
    Lmao I don't get why yall think that just bc I'm reading it for free I don't get to have an opinion or dislike a piece of work. That's a chronically online way of thinking Matsusan

    I think it’s cause your opinion doesn’t have much to it like why you think that way. It just sounds like it’s just straight up insults and complaining that didn’t actually have any insight or ways it could be better lmao.

    Matsusan September 19, 2024 3:16 pm
    I think it’s cause your opinion doesn’t have much to it like why you think that way. It just sounds like it’s just straight up insults and complaining that didn’t actually have any insight or ways it co... chocobuun

    Why should I say what the story needs to be better lmao? I'm not the writer here, all I need to say is what is wrong with the story and that's what I did. Their relationship has no real development nor real depth, the anatomy is completely off as someone who studies anatomy in college (medicine) and also as someone who pursues art as a hobby. Annnd about the translation I really don't need to explain it further

    Matsusan September 19, 2024 3:18 pm
    I think it’s cause your opinion doesn’t have much to it like why you think that way. It just sounds like it’s just straight up insults and complaining that didn’t actually have any insight or ways it co... chocobuun

    Also to give an opinion you don't need to explain why you think that way or what would make it better. Whether I'm paying to read or not doesn't change that either

    chocobuun September 19, 2024 4:05 pm
    Also to give an opinion you don't need to explain why you think that way or what would make it better. Whether I'm paying to read or not doesn't change that either Matsusan

    I didn’t say you have to explain. I don’t know why you seem to think anyone who replies is bashing you for your opinion. You seem to have some sort of strong beliefs about opinions- which neither of us who replied were talking about. No one actually cares about the specific opinion or the fact that you have one that’s negative. That was never the point. The point is the WAY you said it, just sounded like plain insults+complaints. Had you said it in some nicer way, there probably wouldn’t be any replies.

    chocobuun September 19, 2024 4:08 pm
    Also to give an opinion you don't need to explain why you think that way or what would make it better. Whether I'm paying to read or not doesn't change that either Matsusan

    I was saying how your comment may have LOOKED to others, hence their response didn’t take it well. Also pls don’t reply again with a “I don’t have to write an opinion a certain way! I can have an opinion!” We know. The way you wrote your initial comment sounded like complaining in general. Sure you can dislike anything, but it will sound bratty and ungrateful no matter what. You can’t really be upset when a negative opinion is taken negatively lmfao.

    An example of what you did is; Imagine if you were given a free slice of cake to eat. You eat and finish it, then start saying, “the frosting is off, the taste is off, the texture is off.” VS you purchasing a piece of cake and saying the same thing. One feels more justifiable because you spent your earned money on it, compared to the other, where you sound ungrateful for receiving something they didn’t have to give you.
    In general, about the anatomy and relationship, those are your personal preferences so I don’t have anything to say about that. But the translations are an entirely different thing. You can’t expect good quality from non-official translations lol. If you want the good quality, you gotta pay for it.

    Matsusan September 20, 2024 1:23 am
    I didn’t say you have to explain. I don’t know why you seem to think anyone who replies is bashing you for your opinion. You seem to have some sort of strong beliefs about opinions- which neither of us who ... chocobuun

    I'm sorry, I think the one who's interpreting this wrong is you. I was nowhere near thinking someone is bashing me nor was I mad, I was simply replying to your comment. Also for someone who says I said “I don’t have to write an opinion a certain way! I can have an opinion!” when I was never even exalted/mad/infuriated it seems to me like you're trying to get into an argument but really if you're doing that then you're arguing for no reason, idk why you would try to make me sound euforic when that didn't even look like the case.

    "Sure you can dislike anything, but it will sound bratty and ungrateful no matter what." I'm sorry but do you realise how stupid that sounds? Dude my main comment was a little playful way of saying I disliked those things from the story, no need to take it that seriously and saying I'm bratty for not saying my opinion clearly and giving the reasons as to why I think that way.

    "You can’t really be upset when a negative opinion is taken negatively lmfao" I wasn't upset tho? Why are you trying to make it look like I was, I'm simply replying to what you said. Also yes I can, a opinion about anything doesn't have to get your attention nor your reply if you don't agree, that's just starting fights that will get you nowhere. The same way I don't go after people who say they like this story in the comments other ppl shouldn't be doing it either, there's literally not a single reason to do that nor any objective. The first person to reply to my comment was in fact rude and I was rude back, as simple as that. Tho I was never rude to you to begin with.

    "An example of what you did is; Imagine if you were given a free slice of cake to eat. You eat and finish it, then start saying, “the frosting is off, the taste is off, the texture is off.” VS you purchasing a piece of cake and saying the same thing. One feels more justifiable because you spent your earned money on it, compared to the other, where you sound ungrateful for receiving something they didn’t have to give you." That literally makes no sense, It just sounds like you think you're a higher being for your morals when really that's a personal thing for everybody, to me your morals have no sense. To me it doesn't make someone ungrateful just for not liking a piece of art and saying that out loud, that's what online comments are for, to share their thoughts and it also doesn't make sense comparing a piece of art with food when there are people dying of hunger and no people dying because of a BL story.

    "In general, about the anatomy and relationship, those are your personal preferences so I don’t have anything to say about that" although i understand that's your opinion I don't agree. It's the same as saying that correct anatomy in art shouldn’t matter when in fact it does even if it's not a realistic style (I studied art in my previous college although I chose to not graduate and pursue another route). Annd it's not about personal preference about the relationship, I meant the character development is flawed, their relationship development is flawed and it's all rushed (idk how to translate it to english but it's like the plot has holes yknow?)

    "But the translations are an entirely different thing. You can’t expect good quality from non-official translations lol. If you want the good quality, you gotta pay for it." Um yes I can, there's so many scanlation teams doing translations for these stories and besides, like I said earlier it really wasn't all that serious.

    I do hope you have a good day though, I never meant to offend YOU and the only one I was arguing was the person who said "Must be nice to be a loser that don't even have a brain" bc i simply giving out an opinion and making it sound like you can only give good opinions if you're paying for it.

    chocobuun September 20, 2024 4:53 am
    I'm sorry, I think the one who's interpreting this wrong is you. I was nowhere near thinking someone is bashing me nor was I mad, I was simply replying to your comment. Also for someone who says I said “I don... Matsusan

    The food example was simply an example. It was to show a different way to better understand my point from a different perspective. Idk why you brought up dying, when that has nothing to do with it. You can replace the word, food/cake with anything else. Also I don’t know why you keep bringing up the art? Like I stated before, I personally never had any issues to you disliking anything about the story. You disliking the art and relationship never bothered me and wasn’t ever my point for my replies.

    I also never said anything about anatomy not mattering. How I felt it was your preference when it came to anatomy, was because in real life, several people have different body proportions, flexibility (double jointed), body types, etc. There’s the standard basic textbook “right way” for drawing anatomy. But in real life, there isn’t one right way a body should look.

    And when I said the relationship is a preference, it’s because many readers have different preferences to how they like character development, relationship development, and it being rushed. Some don’t have any issues with the characters to want character development. There’s ppl that love slow burn and others that hate it. There’s people in real life that start dating people really quick and those that take lots of time to begin dating. There’s also those that easily sleep with someone they meet recently. There’s no wrong way to write it. It just sounds like you have a certain way you want the plot and characters to be like, hence why it’s only your preference. Because others are perfectly fine with it, so it may be fine to them.
    Also about the translations, you said you can expect good translations from scan teams. But you forget that all the scan teams are not professionals, they simply won’t have the best quality and resources. It’s like someone watching shows on illegal sites or YouTube vs watching it on paid platforms like Netflix. The quality will be very different.

    chocobuun September 20, 2024 4:55 am
    I'm sorry, I think the one who's interpreting this wrong is you. I was nowhere near thinking someone is bashing me nor was I mad, I was simply replying to your comment. Also for someone who says I said “I don... Matsusan

    Anyways I also didn’t have any issue with how you dislike things. I was just saying depending on what you write and how you write it, it can look bad. Hence why people may react badly towards your comment.

    Matsusan September 20, 2024 1:54 pm
    The food example was simply an example. It was to show a different way to better understand my point from a different perspective. Idk why you brought up dying, when that has nothing to do with it. You can repl... chocobuun

    "The food example was simply an example. It was to show a different way to better understand my point from a different perspective. Idk why you brought up dying, when that has nothing to do with it. You can replace the word, food/cake with anything else. Also I don’t know why you keep bringing up the art? Like I stated before, I personally never had any issues to you disliking anything about the story. You disliking the art and relationship never bothered me and wasn’t ever my point for my replies." I brought up ppl dying because your comparison didn't make sense and that was why it couldn't be compared to being ungrateful. By art I mean the manwha which is a piece of art

    "I also never said anything about anatomy not mattering. How I felt it was your preference when it came to anatomy, was because in real life, several people have different body proportions, flexibility (double jointed), body types, etc. There’s the standard basic textbook “right way” for drawing anatomy. But in real life, there isn’t one right way a body should look." Look up yaoi from 1990 and you'll understand what I was talking about. Yes there's many different body proportions but there are also correct ways of making it look like all of the parts are from the same body.

    "And when I said the relationship is a preference, it’s because many readers have different preferences to how they like character development, relationship development, and it being rushed. Some don’t have any issues with the characters to want character development. There’s ppl that love slow burn and others that hate it. There’s people in real life that start dating people really quick and those that take lots of time to begin dating. There’s also those that easily sleep with someone they meet recently. There’s no wrong way to write it. It just sounds like you have a certain way you want the plot and characters to be like, hence why it’s only your preference. Because others are perfectly fine with it, so it may be fine to them" like I said it's not about preferences, it's about the writing. A bad "roteiro" (idk the word in english) will always make the plot seem flawed and it is flawed. It's like having a movie that was badly written but you still like the movie even knowing it's badly written, it won't change the fact that it is badly written but you still like it.

    "Also about the translations, you said you can expect good translations from scan teams. But you forget that all the scan teams are not professionals, they simply won’t have the best quality and resources. It’s like someone watching shows on illegal sites or YouTube vs watching it on paid platforms like Netflix. The quality will be very different." Yes I agree! I only disagreed with you stating that I can't expect good translations or that i can't complain/talk about it as if I'm supposed to stay quiet just cause it's free, there's nothing that justifies you saying that someone can't have an opinion or state it just bc they're getting it for free or sumn

    hHmmMmm September 25, 2024 5:01 pm

    beggars can't be choosers