this manga starts to get on my nerves fr. I liked the mc before but now hes just being stu...

Lynn September 8, 2024 1:04 am

this manga starts to get on my nerves fr. I liked the mc before but now hes just being stupid tf you mean you would save him again ??? he kidnapped you, raped you AND tried to kill you like come on…. worst thing is the author will probably have them end up as a couple, honestly only acceptable ending is heeso either in jail or dead

    UwU-bit September 8, 2024 2:35 am

    Girl, the Mc been like that since the beginning its honestly not new for him to say that lol

    Lynn September 8, 2024 4:21 am
    Girl, the Mc been like that since the beginning its honestly not new for him to say that lol UwU-bit

    agreed but before that you could at least blame it on guilt and heeseo didn’t do anything to terrible, but now after he did some of the worst things imaginable to him as a full grown adult its just so much worse

    pennyinheaven September 9, 2024 12:15 pm

    Best answer is that Taekyung is ironically prude when it comes to his debt. He owed Heeseo's mom so he would save Heeseo again. He chose Seokju over the law because he is still indebted to her for raising him. And he understands that Heeseo is reacting based on his actions - sponsorship, lying and leaving him. It's his flaw. But at the same time, his compassion is coming off as indifference is feeding Heeseo's crazies. I see it as a game and Taekyung did not play smart.

    If they do end up together, it wouldn't be a romantic ending. It's gonna be twisted and honestly, that's fine too.