if there was a competition for manhwa written with no likeable characters this would take ...

uma_chan September 8, 2024 12:52 am

if there was a competition for manhwa written with no likeable characters this would take the winning by a long shot! anyway finally we are getting close to the slimy omega’s downfall

    i love and breathe twinks. September 8, 2024 4:35 am

    sorry to b that person but killing stalking takes the crown for that title lmaoo

    uma_chan September 8, 2024 5:03 am
    sorry to b that person but killing stalking takes the crown for that title lmaoo i love and breathe twinks.

    eh sangwoo was enjoyable for me. He’s funny, sad, & insane can’t get any better than that

    yuyuyu September 8, 2024 11:59 am
    eh sangwoo was enjoyable for me. He’s funny, sad, & insane can’t get any better than that uma_chan

    crazy take he tortured and murdered women bro

    uma_chan September 8, 2024 3:50 pm
    crazy take he tortured and murdered women bro yuyuyu

    right and me enjoying him as a character in a story does not mean i tolerate the same crimes in real life. so ur point..?

    i love and breathe twinks. September 8, 2024 9:16 pm
    right and me enjoying him as a character in a story does not mean i tolerate the same crimes in real life. so ur point..? uma_chan

    their point was it's a crazy take like im sorry one cannot imagine an absolute unredeemable character being liked more than mfs who just can't their shit together ...

    like drugging and SA are unredeemable things to do too but liking a character who did way more than that is crazy work

    uma_chan September 9, 2024 3:38 am
    their point was it's a crazy take like im sorry one cannot imagine an absolute unredeemable character being liked more than mfs who just can't their shit together ... like drugging and SA are unredeemable thin... i love and breathe twinks.

    crazy work To You, for me it isn’t just the characters actions alone that determine whether theyre interesting or how much i enjoy them. i just happen to find that for this abo manhua most of their personalities are insufferable. anyway my og comment was obviously subjective to me, if you think ks is that for you then thats fine LOL

    uma_chan September 9, 2024 3:38 am
    crazy work To You, for me it isn’t just the characters actions alone that determine whether theyre interesting or how much i enjoy them. i just happen to find that for this abo manhua most of their personalit... uma_chan

    oops typo *manhwa

    yuyuyu September 9, 2024 6:27 am
    right and me enjoying him as a character in a story does not mean i tolerate the same crimes in real life. so ur point..? uma_chan

    him being a well written character does not make him a likeable character, I think ur a little confused

    uma_chan September 9, 2024 6:40 am
    him being a well written character does not make him a likeable character, I think ur a little confused yuyuyu

    sorry who are you to be telling me what constitutes whether a character is likeable TO ME? key words ‘to me’. i already explicitly said in my og comment he was enjoyable FOR ME. yeah he is a walking list of felonies but his execution of some of them are humorous, he has a fucked up upbringing etc etc that i enjoy in a character, whether thats to analyse or take in as is. hence he is a likeable character TO ME. hope that helps

    i love and breathe twinks. September 9, 2024 10:34 am
    crazy work To You, for me it isn’t just the characters actions alone that determine whether theyre interesting or how much i enjoy them. i just happen to find that for this abo manhua most of their personalit... uma_chan

    i don't think it's just crazy work to "me" alone lol. i get ur point. even then i still think it's hella crazy to like a character past those damning actions but that's me and other ppl who have the same mindset as i do.

    yeah, it is a subjective question and we both gave our opinions on it. just kinda got weirded out by urs

    yuyuyu September 9, 2024 1:34 pm
    sorry who are you to be telling me what constitutes whether a character is likeable TO ME? key words ‘to me’. i already explicitly said in my og comment he was enjoyable FOR ME. yeah he is a walking list of... uma_chan

    calm down lil bro, it ain't that deep just bc u like the character personally doesn't make him a likeable character. he was specifically written to be awful and there's nothing wrong w that, it's just a bit odd that you'd like a character like that but wtv man

    uma_chan September 9, 2024 2:25 pm
    calm down lil bro, it ain't that deep just bc u like the character personally doesn't make him a likeable character. he was specifically written to be awful and there's nothing wrong w that, it's just a bit odd... yuyuyu

    im just.. replying? youre the one talking down to me like i didnt just also say hes awful? i also never said that me enjoying his character means i think everyone else does too. there are people who enjoy what you dislike shocker i know. maybe next time read and take ur own advice: its not that deep

    uma_chan September 9, 2024 2:32 pm
    i don't think it's just crazy work to "me" alone lol. i get ur point. even then i still think it's hella crazy to like a character past those damning actions but that's me and other ppl who have the same mindse... i love and breathe twinks.

    i never said it was crazy work to *only* you, just addressed you specifically since you replied but yeah there are people who will like what you dislike in fiction, didnt know it wasnt common sense.

    and i say this non maliciously, get used to it and you’d save yourself from getting your feathers ruffled over strangers’ opinions

    yuyuyu September 9, 2024 4:39 pm
    im just.. replying? youre the one talking down to me like i didnt just also say hes awful? i also never said that me enjoying his character means i think everyone else does too. there are people who enjoy what ... uma_chan

    nah u seem mad. also this entire convo started bc u stated in ur og comment that none of these charas r likeable, then u someone said killing stalking takes the cake and u countered. that's saying u think sangwoo is likeable by proxy let's use our thinking caps pls

    yuyuyu September 9, 2024 4:39 pm
    im just.. replying? youre the one talking down to me like i didnt just also say hes awful? i also never said that me enjoying his character means i think everyone else does too. there are people who enjoy what ... uma_chan

    n e ways, I'm a busy guy so I'll be blocking u, I don't got time to argue anymore

    i love and breathe twinks. September 9, 2024 8:58 pm
    i never said it was crazy work to *only* you, just addressed you specifically since you replied but yeah there are people who will like what you dislike in fiction, didnt know it wasnt common sense.and i say t... uma_chan

    it is common sense dawg just thought you didn't know cs you're so passive aggressive about it in ur responses like ... im not tryna prove u wrong or attack u for it. simply just pointing out that it's weird. and mb, "To You" was written like that so i thought it was emphasized and that was mb. just thought i'd still point it out cs another commentor implied the same thing ("crazy take" comment.)

    (before u say u "never said anyone was proving u wrong" js know that ur acting rlly defensive w all that passive aggressiveness dawg like chill ,, u aint no need to do allat)

    thank you, but i will get my feathers ruffled because it is also MY opinion. i will get bothered by the things that i consider weird u can also take ur own advice, btw.

    uma_chan September 10, 2024 2:26 am
    it is common sense dawg just thought you didn't know cs you're so passive aggressive about it in ur responses like ... im not tryna prove u wrong or attack u for it. simply just pointing out that it's weird. an... i love and breathe twinks.

    yall will be reasoned with logic and then make a cop out and go “its not that deep”, if it wasnt you wouldnt have replied to me in the first place. and you seem to care a lot about opinions but call me defensive when i state mine. im not the one bothered by anyone or the one being hypocritical so im chilling actually, you should check yourself tho

    i love and breathe twinks. September 10, 2024 12:20 pm
    yall will be reasoned with logic and then make a cop out and go “its not that deep”, if it wasnt you wouldnt have replied to me in the first place. and you seem to care a lot about opinions but call me defe... uma_chan

    srry ypper alrrt i just rlly want to get my point across so that we can avoid further misconceptions

    no, i get your point. i clearly said that like 2 times ... and i did not say or imply that what ur statements are "not that deep" cs im literally only saying that >liking a character beyond their heinous actions and for their personality and character quality is WEIRDD<. literally, that is the only thing i am trying to throw at you !!

    i am also saying that u r acting defensive bcs ur acting like im telling u that u liking sangwoo is invalid and shitty and that ur passive aggressiveness has that tone hinting to it. like i said, like mulitple times alr, im not tryjng to say that you are wrong or that your opinion is invalid, i'm saying it's WEIRD and that is MY OPINION on YOUR OPINION ...

    when i said that "you can take ur own advice btw" it was bcs u rlly do sound defensive u don't have to point out things i alr know, but ty anyw for showing concern incase i didn't. im sorry that u come across as bothered to me bcs im literally only trying to say that ur opinion is weird n u r like trying to find fault in that ... or am i just reading way too into ur responses. and if so, it's my mistake, i rlly cannot deduce whether passive agressive responses mean no harm or do mean harm lol.

    love that for u. we should all be chill. i heavily fw that but i do, infact, check myself constantly and do so in a constant manner ! ty for the concern.

    all in all >>>>
    idk ab the other commentor but i only agree to what they have said in their first comment; this is a crazy take. that is both our opinions. u liking sangwoo is ur own preference and in my opinion that shit is weird. u don't have to mind it rlly, or u can. but i can mind bc it is my life and as long as i don't harm anyone bc of that "minding". it's simple, rlly, and im 100% u know that, but i just wanna clarify it.

    overall point: ur opinion is weird to me, but that's just me. u don't gots to b so passive agressive ab it

    (another clarification incase u're an overthinker js lke me: i do not use this emoji to mock u or anything cs ppl usually misunderstand when that is used in an argument or in any convo with conflict. i am only showing my peace offering and it's cute so i add it for extra emphasizing)