
Sadistic-Senpai-Loves-2-Offend September 7, 2024 4:29 pm

Read up-to 5 chs. Tho I like omegaverse But this didn’t pique my interest. Neither the plot, nor the characters seem unique or interesting so far. It’s kinda giving shoujo vibe and seems too predictable unless author gonna go some drastic, unexpected route(then I might give it try again).
Might give it another try sometime later or might not. I guess young readers may like it, but older ones probably not.

    cubi September 14, 2024 2:08 am

    No I've read all the uploaded chs and I feel pretty much the same. I'm just a sucker for omegaverse so I'll read anything lol

    CandyCone21 September 14, 2024 2:27 pm

    Agreed. And I love shoujo! Too many misunderstandings and the romance is too mild. Neither of the main characters sticks out to me. Then when we finally got to the sex scene I was left disappointed.

    mae September 14, 2024 6:52 pm

    Same here me here for omegaverse babies