The gag is author villainizing a female character and y'all falling for it. Like you loser...

bvalgarisvengali September 7, 2024 2:59 pm

The gag is author villainizing a female character and y'all falling for it. Like you losers can't even distinguish bad writing to save your lives. This manhwa is basically a porno with plot

    MiMi September 8, 2024 9:45 pm
    Lol you haven't deflected a single one of my claims. You have all this talk about "treating character like actual people" "characters reflects actual people" but you don't actually have a grasp on what a real p... bvalgarisvengali

    Girl you have an issue with a genre and it's becoming such a personal issue to you that you don't realize that you are projecting on the wrong piece of art. The author can make every single character horrible and yes dumb dumb there are people who are so delusional to the point of marrying someone who isn't actually in love with them but yeah end of conversation and I hope you book therapy and get over yourself.

    AWinterWonderLand September 9, 2024 7:49 am
    bookie you are talking abt the plot. im talking about the authors lack of writing skills. we arent on the same page. Clock it bvalgarisvengali


    Dino September 11, 2024 9:28 pm
    exactly !!!!!!! This is called bad writing! its when you make characters do actions that dont make sense then blaming them for those actions. bvalgarisvengali

    I wouldn't call it bad writing, these are tools in their writing and they made that character problematic. Which then made people feel frustration towards that character, which can be considered good writing.