Please stop reporting that chapter 4 doesn't belong to this manga

chinko-san March 22, 2017 8:50 pm

Hi! I'm Chinko-san the scanlator for chapter 4. Just to clarify things: Chapter 4 came from Hatsukoi no Kanata.To keep listings accurate on Manga-updates this is posted here even though it has to do with the couple from chapters 1-3 of Kemono ni Namida. The original scan team probably only did the first 3 chapters since chapters 4 and 5 have no relation to that story. Have you never read a mangakas tankobon that includes one-shots or other stories? That's what this is. Thank you to the people that actually read translator notes and understood the upload. Hope everyone has a great day! Be well.

    NapoliFiore March 23, 2017 6:57 am

    Thank you for the hard work!

    Hot & Spicy March 23, 2017 10:14 am

    Thank you for your hard work

    CONman March 25, 2017 10:36 am

    Thanks,, :D

    hillyq da cookie monster May 5, 2017 7:36 pm

    Thank you , you beautiful son of bitch (≧∀≦) i love ur hard work and dedication to my addiction

    damikah October 11, 2017 7:58 pm

    Thank you for your hard work. We appreciate it.

    Ami-kun December 28, 2018 1:14 pm

    thank you so much