@Ch 68

Nagi September 7, 2024 11:10 am

I'm glad Daisy didn't accept his suggestion. Dude is a bit delulu. He just met Daisy after a long time and now he's trying to tie her down? Not cool dude. And though I didn't like Rosephine, I feel bad for her. He used her and gave her false hope. I can't even understand why he approach her in the first place if he really loves Daisy. It feels like he cheated on Daisy. I thinks he only loves Daisy because of their past and feels like he's indebted to her so he's trying to compensate her by marrying her? Idk what I'm saying but anyways, their childhood is kinda cute, but I hope Daisy choose Orsen. He's always there for her and willing to lay down his life for her.
