The Plot's missing :(

Stormborn September 6, 2024 10:01 pm

Is it me? I love this manga. The drawing, the characters... but ever since... vol. 4 or even 3 the plot is SO lacking. There's zero to none development. And every time you think sth's finally happening it already ends too early.

Vol.5 already has TWO chapters - but their story is basically a side story you give people after the main story & plot ended. Or a bonus chapter. Definitely not nearly half of one whole volume.

And that's such a shame bc it deserves a proper plot.

    Boneless pizza September 6, 2024 10:14 pm

    you’re reading therapy game restart. Its lit the side story to the main story. if you want plot go read the first story instead of complaining on here

    i’m not fine. September 6, 2024 11:17 pm

    Honestly, i dont even really mind if the supposedly plot who's only there for minsunderstanding gets fixed eventually or left aside. I just love seeing them happy