I have not read this yet. Can u all tell me is this a love triangle or all 3 loves each ot...

Bakugou shouto September 6, 2024 5:41 pm

I have not read this yet. Can u all tell me is this a love triangle or all 3 loves each other or smtg else ? Thankyou in advance

    laseiness September 6, 2024 5:56 pm

    I think (I haven't read it yet) the blonde's relationship with the redhead is only sexual and only initiated by the redhead, the blonde doesn't feel anything for him, considers him as a jerk and fulfills his wishes only because of redhead's mom. If any of them were to love someone, it's possible that the blond could have had a crush on him as a child, as is usually the case in such books, while the red head could love him now/not want him to be with someone else because of their sexual relationship. The black head ig is true love interest for the blonde one.

    laseiness September 6, 2024 5:57 pm

    Of course, i can be wrong and im only guessing based on summary and first chapter!!

    mary September 6, 2024 6:41 pm
    I think (I haven't read it yet) the blonde's relationship with the redhead is only sexual and only initiated by the redhead, the blonde doesn't feel anything for him, considers him as a jerk and fulfills his wi... laseiness

    Yeah this is pm right. Definitely not a story where all three fall for each other, purely a love triangle.
    (I hope MC ends up with black hair)

    (And just read the recent comments if you wanna get an idea of the content warnings for this. Past few chapters have been rough)

    DarkModeGO September 6, 2024 7:57 pm
    I think (I haven't read it yet) the blonde's relationship with the redhead is only sexual and only initiated by the redhead, the blonde doesn't feel anything for him, considers him as a jerk and fulfills his wi... laseiness

    Redhead only have his ways with mc bc he threatens him using the redhead mother which is like a mother for mc, so redhead likes mc and end up abusing (for a stupid reason) the mc making him give blowjob and later sex the mc doesn't want to ruin they relationship and his family so he suck it up and let redhead off the hook, the black hair is a guy mc met on a project for his university and they get a little close and end up sleeping together but this time mc isn't forced, mc sleep with him bc he really wants to and black hair is a cute guy. The end game have high chances to be the black hair even more after the last 3-4 chapters