don’t ever waste my time with panels of the director, show me my cute cross dresser and ...

risa kim September 6, 2024 2:12 pm

don’t ever waste my time with panels of the director, show me my cute cross dresser and his boyfriend again!!

    Yuki September 6, 2024 2:20 pm

    Right, that guy doesn't deserve our time, we want our sweet main couple and their brothers, not that toxic, jealous boss

    tsactuo September 6, 2024 2:59 pm
    Right, that guy doesn't deserve our time, we want our sweet main couple and their brothers, not that toxic, jealous boss Yuki

    you haven't read the whole story and your all just assuming, your the toxic one, when you read the new chapters you will know your all wrong

    Yuki September 6, 2024 10:05 pm
    you haven't read the whole story and your all just assuming, your the toxic one, when you read the new chapters you will know your all wrong tsactuo

    Well I already saw the raws, but I don't care about his background story the least bit. And either way I don't see anything wrong with calling someone, who tries to break up a couple a toxic, jealous person. And even if they come later with "he didn't mean it bla bla" I don't belive it. I mean, he not only told Shizuma to break up with Minato, no he even tried to prevent Shizuma from spending time with Minato as much as he could. In which way is that not toxic, manipulative behavior?