Yesss that's what I was thinking!! Like tsuruhime is from that era and I'd understand if she's ok with marrying at that age with someone much older because that's normal(?) for them
But Mitsuo was from modern era ffs !!!
Normally I dig an age gap couple but ONLY if the girl is mature and has understanding of an adult at least but this is just creepy

Ohhh im so sorry im positive he has a decent reputation in modern times. He definitely has a vibe of fluffy and kind uncle.
But I can't erase it from my mind. What was he thinking laying his hands on a CHILD.
Personally, if i were him, the most affection i would have on that young girl is either a daughter ora little sister. And it's just disgusting doing the deed with her.
And it's not like they did it once, THEY DID IT MULTIPLE TIMES.
i love this story but i can't accept the child marriage and how HE HAD A KID WITH THE CHILD HE MARRIED. disgusting.