I feel you... Seoha actually annoys me a lot with his back and forth with Shane. People are calling out Shane's toxic god complex which is fair enough, but I actually find that interesting (It's quite rare in god/celestial x human tropes where the not-human is quite understanding of the human). But I think Seoha is what makes their dynamic so confusing because of how he reacts to Shane.
One moment he's like "I'm my own person.", but in another moment he gets so wimpy and lets Shane do whatever. And it's so erratic too like he gets a backbone or wimpy at random moments.
We're 3 seasons in and I still don't really have a clear idea of his character, but I continue reading cause the art is nice and unique at least. But at this point I'm waiting for the main story to end and hope we get a side on current Windborne god x Harpel
I would love to see a much less complacent/passive personality on the protagonist. It just makes things too easy for Shane, who simply imposed his view of “Hearth” on him. But that’s just me.