very cute overall...

itsu September 6, 2024 6:00 am

this was definitely a very cute read overall; short, a little silly, and with excellent friend backup for yihan!!ヽ(╹∇╹)ノ

buuut... rereading this i'd forgotten about how overblown the situation with park há being taken from yihan was and how that aspect of the plot had irked me a bit. the whole big 'conflict' here beyond the hiding otaku attraction stuff was a total overreaction and subsequent lack of context given to his friends that further fanned the flames of said overreaction XP

park há was totally dragged away from yihan, AND after saying no as well (granted he was shouted at to SHUT UP while saying so); he did not ditch him. yeah, things could have been handled better but his discomfort was clear - and we do later learn his personality as a whole is confrontation avoidant, and those 'friends' likely bulldozed their way into that 'friend' position in the first place. yihan was so oblivious to park há's unease along with the loud, pushy hostility by the 'friends' for someone who suffered bullying in the past, and then park há was treated like an asshole when he most definitely did not deserve to be.

it just felt so over the top for such a cute little story... or i guess maybe that's kinda par for the course with something so otherwise wholesome and cute? or likely it's just me. least mostly me. i don't know. yihan still bugged me for his very tone-deaf 'description' of what happened XD
