But srsly

Leya September 6, 2024 5:39 am

Why did they have to make mc dumb. He doesn't have a personality of his own. Atleast in the first arc he seemed to have his brain. Second story is all about scheming white lotus and protective sugar daddy

    MagicalReader September 12, 2024 8:03 am

    It seems like the author not want to be repetitive (which it does). Like in this story, he doesn't have to do all the scheming and behind the work because the ML does it for him. Also, the system is hardly seen in this story.

    IDK_ September 14, 2024 4:25 pm

    I said it on the spoiler I gave before he would be like this the whole entire time tbh it's more to give a different mc rather than a strong good at everything mc


    Plus before he got in an accident he was born rich and doted on not only that he was a weak child so yea his character in real life reflect who he is in the transmission world also every new arc he doesn't remember anything